Discovering the profession of fisherman on the trawler Louis Nocca

Discovering the profession of fisherman on the trawler Louis Nocca

La poste de pilotage offre une vue intégrale sur le canal royal Midi Libre – GUILLAUME CROS

Le bateau Louis Nocca, amarré à Sète, propose toute l’année des visites guidées à des fins pédagogiques. Son capitaine souhaite sensibiliser à la vie de marin pêcheur et informer sur les dangers actuels qu’encourt ce métier.

Trawlers are an integral part of Sète's identity, but who has ever ridden one?? Who knows how to operate a tiller and understands the engine mechanism?? The captain of the Louis Nocca, Francis Nocca, is one of the few to open the doors of his boat and offer a total immersion. Moored at the Aspirant Herber quay, the boat, 25m long and 8m wide, is accessible every day of the week.

At the end of the guided tour, this trawler no longer has any secrets for tourists. It is possible to go to the engine room, the crew cabins and the cockpit. A film of around twelve minutes illustrating the daily lives of seafarers is even broadcast. Francis Nocca takes on the role of guide and is responsible for explaining the profession of fisherman in every detail. A duty of transmission that pleases the captain of the Louis Nocca, which he has owned for 31 years.

Warning about global warming

The trawler Louis Nocca has been stationary for 8 years. Blame it on "the disappearance of anchovies and sardines", according to the captain. He explains this phenomenon by global warming which also affects other marine species : "The plankton has disappeared. You take the shrimps, before they were at a depth of 700 meters, they are at 100 meters now." Through guided tours, the captain is keen to warn of the dangers that threaten the sustainability of fishing:“We're all going to disappear if it continues like this.”

Discovering the profession of fisherman on the trawler Louis Nocca

The name Louis Nocca is a tribute to the father of Captain Francis Nocca Midi Libre – GUILLAUME CROS

Francis Nocca is passionate about his new profession “sea educator”. He frequently receives classes of schoolchildren from “all over the Thau basin, even once from Tours!”, he recalls.”“They (the students) love watching the film I show them”, he repeats tirelessly with a smile. Once at the helm, Francis Nocca turns into a photographer to immortalize the schoolchildren taking turns holding the rudder.

New location coming soon

Please note, the trawler can be privatized for special events such as birthdays, weddings, meetings, etc. By September, the trawler will be changing location for the fish market. A choice made by the management of the port of Sète that was revealed in February. Francis Nocca does not disapprove of the decision, even if he has some reservations: “It has to be clean. I don't want any dirt or trash around.” Whatever the outcome of the case, the boat will continue to open its doors, so that its captain can perpetuate his love of fishing.

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