Drama in Perthus: stuck in traffic, a sixty-year-old dies of a heart attack while driving his car

Drama in Perthus: stuck in traffic, a sixty-year-old dies of a heart attack while driving his car

Un homme décède dans les bouchons au Perthus. Capture Google Street View

Ce mercredi 8 mai 2024, malgré l’intervention des secours, un homme meurt à la suite d’un malaise cardiaque alors qu’il était coincé dans les embouteillages à la frontière espagnole.

Many people took to the road this Wednesday due to the good weather, the May 8th bridge and Ascension Thursday. The direction of Spain was very popular, particularly the Perthus route, where traffic jams were noted. With the heavy crowds, emergency services had difficulty finding a way to help a sixty-year-old who was not feeling well, report our colleagues from La Dépêche.

A heart attack

Around 5 p.m., on the D900 and the Perthus, a major traffic jam formed in the direction of Spain. A motorist suffered a heart attack while driving his vehicle. Witnesses then performed first aid and waited for the SAMU dispatched by helicopter.

A fire ambulance tried to get to the scene despite heavy traffic. But this was slowed down due to traffic jams.

Upon arrival, the firefighters noticed that the victim was in respiratory arrest. Despite resuscitation attempts, the sixty-year-old could not be brought back to life. Our colleagues specify that the identity and place of residence of the deceased man are not known.

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