Driving license at 17: should we expect traffic jams in Millau driving schools ?

Driving license at 17: should we expect traffic jams in Millau driving schools ?

Depuis le 1er janvier, le permis peut s'obtenir à 17 ans. Centre Presse – José A. Torres

Depuis le 1er janvier, le permis de conduire est accessible dès 17 ans. Quelles sont les conséquences de ce décret pour les auto-écoles de Millau ?

Tuesday January 16, in the hall of Eric Colrat's driving school, rue Alsace Lorraine, the phone rings. At the end of the line, a 17-year-old young man who has been registered in accompanied driving since July finally wants to get his license as the law has authorized him to do since January 1st. ;nbsp;

On December 20, 2023, a government decree effectively lowered the legal age from 18 to 17 to obtain a driving license without the obligation to be accompanied until the end of the year. #39;at the majority.

A boon for the young Millavois who, on the other hand, will lose the advantages of accompanied driving. Namely, 9 points after one year of license instead of 8, and a more advantageous insurance policy. Something to make the future candidate think…

As with Eric Colrat, this change questions professionals in the sector faced with new calls: "You see, and this ;#39;is not finished!" Midi Libre went to meet driving schools in the city of the glove in order to collect their testimonies.

Heterogeneous requests

Despite these requests for information, Eric Colrat tempers, indicating that the number of registrations to pass the license at 17 years old & quot;is not violent. At the time of the announcement of Elisabeth Borne last summer, the head of the establishment s'expected an increase' ;nbsp;requests. "But, it's still too early I think. We're coming out of the holiday season, people haven't had time to think about it yet."

For Joël Fossemale's driving school, avenue Alfred Merle, the story is somewhat different. "Since the summer, we have had a lot of requests. For our part, we told them that the decree had not yet been passed and that we could not accept registration. Since the end of year decree, there has been an acceleration in requests from young people to pass the code and the license immediately, for their 17th birthday."

The economic aspect is a potential brake on demand. Obtaining the license is often followed by the purchase of a vehicle and all the constraints (insurance, maintenance, registration, fuel, etc.). “17-year-olds don't always have income. It's the parents who are behind and when they have several children – who often follow one another closely – they cannot necessarily financially provide for all that , notes Eric Colrat.

What about insurance ?

Concerning the subscription of an insurance contract by a minor, the law is clear and Laurence from Allianz à Millau recalls it: "A minor does not have the right to insure a vehicle. It is the parents who subscribe à a contract indicating that the usual driver is the minor". In terms of price, "it is always more advantageous to favor accompanied driving, says Laurence. If there is no increase in prices for them it is because they have less risk of having an accident because they have more exp’ ;eacute;rience".

Being on the road at 17: danger ?

Finally, what about the danger allegedly linked to this lowering of the legal age to pass your precious sesame ? The National Interministerial Observatory for Road Safety (Onisr) reveals that' in 2022, 549 people aged 18 to 24 died in road accidents in France. This is the age group most affected (17% of deaths), even though it only corresponds to 8% of the French population.

On this point, the two managers also have very different opinions. For Eric Colrat, "17-year-olds are sometimes very mature. There is no age for prudence. The sooner we take responsibility, the sooner we are responsible".

Joël Fossemale does not share this opinion. While he observes a deterioration in driving behavior and an increase in inappropriate behavior, he fears "of leaving young people as young as 17 on the road in the face of everything that".

One of the objectives notified by the government, when announcing the decree last June, is to promote the mobility and professional integration of young people in Professional baccalaureate or work-study program. Joël Fossemale judges that young people are "oriented too quickly, and that'we must let them grow up"< /em>.

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