Drunk, an illegal foreigner hits a tram user in the head with a bottle in Montpellier

Drunk, an illegal foreigner hits a tram user in the head with a bottle in Montpellier

Les agents de TaM ont été pris à partie. Midi Libre – Illustration MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

Interpellé non sans mal, il a été placé en garde à vue puis déféré au parquet en vue d'une comparution immédiate.

A 34-year-old Tunisian, drunk and whose residence permit had expired for two weeks, showed himself in a bad light this Sunday, February 18, around 6 p.m.

Overexcited, he prevented users of a line 1 tram from getting off at the "Du Guesclin" stop, between Saint-Roch station and Polygon. Worse, when one of the travelers asked him to stop his ride, he physically attacked him by hitting him on the head with a bottle, before taking the current leak.

Spitting, insults, punching

Quickly located by the TaM controllers, called as reinforcements by the driver of the train, he resisted his arrest, threatening the officials with his bottle while insulting them.& nbsp;

After spitting at them several times, he even punched an agent. He was finally brought under control, not without difficulty, by the national police officers, alerted by the waves of the incident, who in turn suffered spitting and insults.< /p>

Having admitted the facts during his extension of police custody, the accused was referred, this Wednesday evening, to the Montpellier public prosecutor's office who decided to place him in pre-trial detention in the ;#39;awaiting his presentation at the hearing of the immediate appearances of the judicial court.

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