Equality between girls and boys in the school curriculum, a slaughterhouse in danger and a “clean place”… the main news in the region

Equality between girls and boys in the school curriculum, a slaughterhouse in danger and a “clean place”… the main news in the region

L'essentiel de l'actualité en région. DR.

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Les collèges et lycées qui ont mis l’égalité à leur programme

#ACADÉMIE –Clichés die hard, even at school. Invariably, national education clearly shows the differences in educational backgrounds and experiences depending on the sexes. So, since 2022, a label “Equality between girls and boys” was created to "give better readability, as well as greater coherence, to the actions undertaken in establishments", recalled rector Sophie Béjean before distinguishing 33 establishments. The Feuchères college in Nîmes, the Lucie-Aubrac high school in Sommières, the Max-Rouquette college in Saint-André-de-Sangonis, the Joffre high school in Montpellier as well as the Pons college and the Picasso high school in Perpignan have received the level label 2. The Jean-Vilar high school in Villeneuve-lez-Avignon and the Paul-Valéry school campus in Sète could obtain level 3 this Friday from the minister.

A slaughterhouse in danger

#ALÈS – The ax falls: the Alès slaughterhouse, which reported a cessation of payments of 160,000 €, is forced to file the balance sheet. The semi-public company which has managed it since the liquidation of Alès Viande has not succeeded in paying off its debts, due to a volume of slaughter too low: 3,500 tonnes per year when 4,000 are needed. « This only represents 40 tonnes per month, or a few animals », counts Christophe Rivenq, president of Alès Agglomération, who would like to find more support. The municipality too, which injected 12 M€ in recent years, and whose check for 100,000 € in December could be the last. It's up to the commercial court to decide.

“Clear place” : four traffickers in prison

#BÉZIERS – On February 5, 70 police officers arrived in the La Devèze district, in Béziers, the outcome of the ’operation “Place Net”. Three weeks of intensive surveillance made it possible to target apartments, basements and parking lots which were searched, with the help of drug search dogs. In the end, six men – including a minor – had been arrested on suspicion of being traffickers. 5 kg of weed or cannabis resin, 200 g of cocaine, 3,460 € cash and two guns. It remained to judge them. This Thursday, March 7, four of the five adults were kept in detention to serve up to five years in prison for the one considered to be the main perpetrator. His lawyer denounced « a communications scam ». But the prefect has already warned: these operations “Place Net”, which aim to « destabilize and disorganize » all drug trafficking, will be repeated, as requested by the Head of State.

Today’s number: 4,500

#MONTPELLIER – This is the annual number of trucks which transport the 110,000 tonnes of waste from the inhabitants of the Montpellier Metropolis to eight landfills or incinerators located outside the territory, i.e. more than 800,000 km traveled and « an additional cost of 67.4 M€ since the closure of the Castries landfill in 2019 », indicates President Michaël Delafosse. « An ecological, moral and financial scandal which must stop », he adds, announcing the launch of an information mission on the treatment and waste recovery.

Stopover in Sète is launched

#FRONTIGNAN – He has arrived safely. The Morgenster, a majestic brig launched in 1919 and saved from oblivion by her benefactor Captain Harry Muter, moored with fanfare this Thursday evening at the Robert-reception quay. Allary de Frontignan where it will be visible until March 18. With its 46 meter hull and two masts, the Dutch ship will be one of the star sailboats of the big Escale à Sète event (from March 26 to April 1). A sealed partnership with the neighboring town allows the party to be launched early.

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