European elections: RN largely in the lead, dissolution of the National Assembly… what to remember

European elections: RN largely in the lead, dissolution of the National Assembly... what to remember

Jordan Bardella et Emmanuel Macron. MAXPPP – Montage Midi Libre

Emmanuel Macron a annoncé dimanche soir la dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale après la victoire écrasante de l'extrême droite aux élections européennes.

Résultats des élections

President Emmanuel Macron announced on Sunday evening the dissolution of the National Assembly in France, a thunderclap triggered shortly after the announcement of the results of the European elections giving a large lead to the National Rally (RN). The early vote, which will take place on June 30 and July 7, will reshape the French political landscape, two years after the re-election of the head of state to the Elysée. "This is an essential time for clarification", the president said during a televised address. "I have heard your message, your concerns and I will not leave them unanswered." 

The last dissolution of the National Assembly in France was decided by Jacques Chirac in 1997. The victory of the left had generated a "cohabitation" of five years between the conservative head of state and the socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. More than two decades later, it is the National Rally which is the leading opposition party in France.

The radical choice of Emmanuel Macron, which took the entire political class by surprise, was welcomed by the three-time candidate of the far right in the election presidential, Marine Le Pen. "I can only welcome this decision which is in line with the logic of the institutions of the Fifth Republic. We are ready for it", said MP RN."We are ready to exercise power if the French trust us (…), we are ready to restore the country, ready to defend the interests of the French, ready to put an end to this mass immigration, ready to make the purchasing power of the French a priority, ready to begin the reindustrialization of the country", she added.

The RN credited with 31.5% to 33.3% of the votes

This Sunday's European elections gave a large lead to the National Rally, credited with 31.5% to 33.3% of the votes, double that of the presidential majority, around 15%, ahead of the Socialist Party, given between 13.9% and 14.3% according to Ifop, Ipsos and Opinionway polls carried out at the exit of the polls. The RN would thus obtain between 29 and 31 seats in the European Parliament, Renaissance between 14 and 15 seats and the Socialist Party-Place publique between 12 and 14 seats.

"This evening, a wind of hope has risen over France and it is only just beginning", declared the head of the far-right party list, Jordan Bardella, in front of his supporters. In the presidential camp, we defended a coherent decision. "Instead of procrastinating, procrastinating, postponing things until tomorrow and instead of seeing democracy slowly disintegrate, the president takes his responsibilities and says to the French I give you the choice& ;quot;, declared on France 2 the president of MoDem, François Bayrou.

"This dissolution, and the legislative elections which will follow, will clarify the situation", said the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, on France 2.

"An extremely dangerous game with democracy and institutions"

In the president's entourage, it was explained that Emmanuel Macron had made his decision this week in Normandy, where many French people told him of their weariness in the face of the incessant quarrels in Parliament . "Stunned", the Socialist Party candidate at Place publique Raphaël Glucksmann, accused the president of playing &quot ;an extremely dangerous game with democracy and institutions". "Emmanuel Macron complied with Jordan Bardella's demands", he estimated.

Still according to forecasts from polling institutes, the list of La France insoumise (LFI) would collect between 8% and 9.4% of the votes, ahead of that of the Republicans of François-Xavier Bellamy, between 6% and 8%. "The President of the Republic took note of his scathing defeat", declared on France 2 the head of the LFI list, Manon Aubry. "We are not afraid of the people, we are ready to go on campaign." The MEP pleaded for a common list of the New Ecological and Social People's Union (Nupes, coalition of left-wing parties) in future legislative elections.

Russian roulette

For Valérie Pécresse, ex-LR candidate in the Elsyée race, "dissolve without giving anyone time to settle down; to organize and without a campaign is to play Russian roulette with the destiny of the country". "Emmanuel Macron is a poker player, we see it this evening", said environmentalist MP Sandrine Rousseau on TF1.

Announced slightly above 5%, the limit for being represented in Strasbourg, the environmentalist lists of Marie Toussaint and Reconquête of Marion Maréchal could each have five deputies, according to several polling institutes.< em> "We want to save our country", declared the founder of Reconquête, Eric Zemmour, to his supporters.

Participation was high, with abstention estimated at 47.2%, compared to 49.88% five years ago.

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