Expected to speak this Monday evening, will Emmanuel Macron finally appoint a Prime Minister this Wednesday ?

Expected to speak this Monday evening, will Emmanuel Macron finally appoint a Prime Minister this Wednesday ?

Emmanuel Macron va-t-il enfin annoncer un nom ? MAXPPP – ALAIN JOCARD/POOL

Sept semaines après les législatives, le pays doit se contenter d’un gouvernement démissionnaire. Et le blocage risque de durer…

The summer soap opera continues. As do the presidential consultations. After the New Popular Front, the center and the right, Friday, Emmanuel Macron is to receive Marine Le Pen then Éric Ciotti, this Monday.

After the meeting, according to the newspaper La Tribune, the head of state could speak. Not without first seeing Yaël Braun-Pivet, the president of the National Assembly, and Gérard Larcher, the president of the Senate. An almost complete round table, therefore, to finally appoint a new Prime Minister, seven weeks after legislative elections in which no one was able to establish a sufficiently solid majority to govern without contestation.

Towards an “institutionally stable” solution

This deadlock situation should experience a new chapter this Monday. According to the analysis of political journalists from the daily newspaper Le Monde, it will be “to announce that he will not appoint Lucie Castets as Prime Minister”. He will favor what he already announced before the Olympics, “an institutionally stable solution”.

According to Le Parisien, the presidential speech should not put an end to the suspense. And yet, impatience is at its peak and Jean-Louis Debré, former president of the National Assembly, sends this message to President Macron: “When you consult the people, you have to take their verdict into account, even if you don't like it.”

Many are expecting a resolution on Wednesday, the first day of the Paralympic Games. But Emmanuel Macron continues to play with the calendar and the nerves of his opponents and his troops.

Wauquiez tackles Mélenchon

The new leader of the Republican deputies, Laurent Wauquiez, made a muscular political comeback on Sunday in Haute-Loire after his ritual ascent of Mont Mézenc. He promised to "rebuild a new right from the ground up" and estimated that the greatest danger to the country came from La France Insoumise and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Calling them the “greatest political danger to our country”, the MP promised to vote for an immediate motion of censure and considered that the only “claim to fame” of Lucie Castets, potential Prime Minister of the NFP, was “having ruined the city of Paris”. He further accused Mr. Mélenchon "to have a responsibilityé immense in the trivialization of anti-mitism".

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