“Faced with the social and democratic emergency”, the unions of Biterrois went to meet the citizens

“Faced with the social and democratic emergency”, the unions of Biterrois went to meet the citizens

The unionists then went into town, on the Allées, to distribute their leaflets and talk to the population. Diane Petitmangin – Midi Libre

“Faced with the social and democratic emergency”, the unions of Biterrois went to meet the citizens

L'intersyndicale CGT-FSU-Unsa-Solidaires et la CFDT appellent les citoyens à voter et à contrer l'extrême droite. Diane Petitmangin – Midi Libre

The Biterroise inter-union CGT-FSU-Unsa and Solidaires, accompanied by the CFDT, mobilized this Saturday, June 22, at the end of the morning, to distribute leaflets on the Allées and encourage everyone to go and vote and block the far right. 

It's driven by "the'emergency"that around thirty union activists met this Saturday June 22, late in the morning, on the Place du 14-Juillet in Béziers, to support the New Popular Front (NPF) for the inter-union CGT-FSU-Unsa-Solidaires or encourage each citizen to vote for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 and say no to the extreme right, according to the CFDT.

"In relation to the urgency of the social and democratic demands that we defend, we support the approach of the New Popular Front and its candidates, reported Christophe Benoit, professor of history-geography at Henri-IV and member of the FSU. This initiative aims to meet the inhabitants of Béziers because it is imperative to block the road to the National Rally. The RN is xenophobia, racism and discrimination. It will be the same policy as Macron but worse".

Repeal the pension reform

These activists want the immediate repeal of the pension reform as well as that of unemployment insurance. "It's still terrible. Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly, there are no more deputies but he sneaks his project through a decree, which should be published before July 1 (Prime Minister Gabriel Attal confirmed a few days ago that the decree would be promulgated, Editor's note). This is a democratic denial.

Michel Andreu, for the CGT, for his part underlines the involvement of the four political parties and the unions to produce a common program. "The NPF has taken on board some of our demands, first and foremost the increase in salaries and pensions and the defense of public services. We must return to human and non-accountable medicine, and above all accessible to everyone and throughout the country. We often rightly emphasize the critical situation of the hospital, but we must not forget the medical deserts. In fact, the entire system needs to be reviewed".

The left did not explode

"There is a threat, we cannot deny it" faced with the unprecedented scale of the vote for the RN but "there is also a dynamic on the left which was put in place in four days, which came together around a credible and funded economic program. We feel a great energy to fight and counter the ideas of the RN", continues Christophe Benoit. “Macron's strategy to explode the left has failed, continues Françoise Le Bris, from Solidaires. As for the RN, they may say they have changed, but we see what their policies are doing in other countries and it's scary for workers. We hope for a surge”.

“France has its place in Europe. We can't vote for a party that will close its borders tomorrow. We are part of the world”, insists Jason Legrux, from Jeunes insoumis. As for the CFDT, through the voice of its Béziers secretary Carole Tarbouriech, “it does not call for voting for a party but, on the other hand, “we want to vote for more democracy, equality, social and ecological justice and to say no to the extreme right. Voters have the power to choose, their vote counts!”. The unionists then walked the Allées and different neighborhoods to try to convince Béziers voters.

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