Farmers' blockades: 50 tractors positioned in front of the Lodève sub-prefecture, access to the city center impossible

Farmers' blockades: 50 tractors positioned in front of the Lodève sub-prefecture, access to the city center impossible

La colère des agriculteurs s'exprime ce jeudi matin à Lodève. Alain Mendez

Farmers' blockades: 50 tractors positioned in front of the Lodève sub-prefecture, access to the city center impossible

La colère des agriculteurs s'exprime ce jeudi matin à Lodève. Alain Mendez

Les agriculteurs du Lodévois et Larzac ont fait une grosse démonstration de force ce jeudi matin dans la sous-préfecture Héraultaise où ils s'étaient donné rendez-vous pour manifester.

At the call of a collective launched by Puech winegrowers, relayed by farmers and breeders from Lodévois and Larzac, 35 tractors came from Puech gathering points to the south and Soubès to the north took up positions around 7:30 a.m. around the Bourse and Celle bridges, making access to the city center impossible. And causing big traffic jams at the entrances to the town.

They then headed in a noisy procession towards the center where they toured the city, before positioning their machines all around the sub-prefecture supervised by the gendarmes and the municipal police. Joined by numerous mayors and elected officials from the area, including some farmers themselves, the demonstrators received reinforcements from their fellow breeders who came down from the plateau with around ten additional tractors and their demands shortly before 10:30 a.m.

Revenues, standards, local issues

A delegation of around ten people is currently received by the sub-prefect Eric Suzanne, as was agreed to discuss national news around income and standards, but more local issues with water and irrigation problems, wolves or damage due to wild boars…

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