“For Depardieu, pre-trial detention did not arise”: the defense of guru Loup Blanc, accused of rape, responds

“For Depardieu, pre-trial detention did not arise”: the defense of guru Loup Blanc, accused of rape, responds

The lawyers of the White Wolf shaman believe that the sexual relations were consensual. FREE NOON – Yan.Phi.

Cyrille Adam, 72, who calls himself a shaman, is referred to the criminal court for having sexually abused people who followed his teaching between Gard, P-O and Tarn-et-Garonne. Accused of sectarian drift, he is currently incarcerated and this Wednesday, January 3, his lawyers did not obtain the judicial review they were hoping for.

In the affair of the White Wolf shaman, the nickname given to Cyrille Adam, 72, indicted for rapes against at least five followers of his spiritual community, between Gard (Sumène) where he resided before settling in Prats-de-Mollo (P-O), and Tarn-et-Garonne (a castle in Réalville where he taught), defense against attack.

At stake: the detention of the septuagenarian. Incarcerated for more than two years, he has just been sent back, at the beginning of December, to the Gard departmental criminal court. But he doesn't yet know when he will be judged.

No doubt, at best, in the fall, according to his defenders who did everything on Wednesday to get him out of his cell, before the Nîmes Court of Appeal. But without him. Because, surprisingly, he refused to be taken from the Béziers remand center to face the judges.

Because of his failing health: "he is burning out in prison" support his lawyers, Mes Dominique Inchauspé and Dylan Slama.

"That’is a double standard!"

The latter attacks: "For Depardieu or for PPDA, there were indictments for rape, but provisional detention was never considered! There are two weights, two measures!".

The lawyer dares to make the comparison by evoking the notion of control, at the heart of the case. The shaman, according to the investigating judge, had mental control over his disciples who idolized him to the point of isolating themselves from their loved ones or ruining themselves financially to follow his vague theories.

And above all, the victims no longer had sufficient free will to refuse sexual relations from which Cyrille Adam would have benefited under the pretext of energetic harmonization with "tantric belly" sessions.< /p>

"What do we do with stars who have sex with groupies ?"

No, in defense, White Wolf has charisma and all sexual relations were consensual according to the guru.

"The influence would mean that they would not have been as consented as that…" continues Me Slama. But what do we do with singers, stars, celebrities who have sexual relations with groupies ? The time is perhaps to reassess this question in the light of a way of thinking which is recent".

"This is not a case of charlatanism but of sectarian drift"

And his colleague Me Inchaupsé to mention these dozens of women who have attested to having found spiritual zenitude in the arms of the shaman. But Attorney General Dominique Sié recalls the heavy accusations weighing on Loup Blanc: influence yes, but sectarian, where we take advantage of the vulnerability of the faithful, like the ;also analyzed the investigating judge.

"This is not a case of shamanism or charlatanism, but of sectarian drift! He is certainly 71 years old but it is mental strength that is at stake, the risk of renewal of the offense is significant" inserts the public prosecutor to ask the court not to not release Cyrille Adam.

Recalling in passing that the defense did not appeal the referral to the criminal court of the shaman…

"He will come to defend himself in court" respond the lawyers.

"Freeing him would have been an obstacle to his reconstruction"

Who propose a new alternative: the brother of the accused is ready to welcome him and provide for his needs, far from Occitanie and the complainants, in Charleville-Mézières. Without success. The court rendered its decision on Wednesday evening: Loup Blanc remains in prison.

A relief for Me Cesbron, the lawyer for the civil parties, women who are always worried: "The victims feel protected by the justice system in relation to the personality of Cyrille Adam. Freeing him would have been an obstacle on the path to their reconstruction.

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