For the mother of Gardois Théophile Leroy, actor in “Un p’tit truc en plus”: “When you find your place, there is no longer a handicap”

For the mother of Gardois Théophile Leroy, actor in “Un p’tit truc en plus”: “When you find your place, there is no longer a handicap”

Théophile Leroy alongside Clovis Cornillac on the set of Artus' film, “Un p'tit truc en plus”. D.R.

For the mother of Gardois Théophile Leroy, actor in “Un p’tit truc en plus”: “When you find your place, there is no longer a handicap”

Théophile Leroy est monté sur les marches du festival de Cannes le 22 février dernier. D.R.

Théophile Leroy, actor in "Un p’tit thing en plus", where people with disabilities play, grew up in Pujaut. Monday June 17, the young man will be present during a screening of the film at the village hall of his town.

On May 22, Théophile Leroy climbed the steps of the Cannes Film Festival with the team of the film "A little extra thing" directed by Artus. A dream for every actor, and a great adventure for this 27-year-old Gardois who grew up in Pujaut. Because "Théophile has an autism spectrum disorder" recalls his mother Cécile Leroy-Noiton.

The comedy, in which around ten actors, mostly amateurs, with disabilities play alongside renowned actors, including the director himself and Clovis Cornillac, is enjoying immense popular success, with over 6.6 million admissions already in mid-June.

He had played in the series “Visions” broadcast on TF1

Before being chosen for the cast of the film, Théophile Leroy had already played in the series “Visions” on TF1, thanks to an actress from Pujaut who had put him in touch with the casting director, seduced like the director by “the young man's charisma". After this first role in front of the cameras, Théophile Leroy took another step towards the professional world by joining the catalog of an inclusive artistic agency, Singularist Paris, which highlights actors representing "the multiplicity of society".

A month later, "Artus was looking for actors for its next film…" says the mother. Everything then follows suit for the young actor who is chosen to play the character of Baptiste. "There was a month of filming in the Vercors. The production had asked the parents if they could be there to support their children with disabilities, in their daily lives because outside of filming where the actors have to adapt, they have habits, routines. Specific support is required. Our family was present 24 hours a day for the first two weeks, then at Théophile's request, we moved away a little" she explains.

"There were no problems on set. It’s amazing how happy and comfortable he was. Théophile has a professional posture with his disability, he does the same work as the others" notes Cécile Leroy-Noiton who confides being "admiring" of his son's journey.

"Thanks to the film, people's outlook changes"

"Théophile had a complicated schooling, between kindergarten in Clis, Ulis class… with the lack of resources to supervise children with disabilities despite volunteer teachers" she remembers. As a teenager, Théophile went through an IME (medico-social institute), before living in a center for people with disabilities in Gard.

The young boy gradually found his way thanks to his artistic fiber. "He is passionate about music, he has an ear absolute, sings and plays everything that is percussion", an instrumental field that he was able to practice within a batucada in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon.

Gardois' career will not stop after "this formidable collective human adventure&quot ; d' "A little extra something". "This film will open doors for actors" hopes his mother. "Théophile received a lot of positive feedback on his performance". After returning to his daily life for a few months at the end of filming last September, the actor took to the stage at the Benoît XII theater in Avignon in April with the Tedai 84 association, which works to educate children autistic and the integration of young adults into mainstream settings.

Next step, the possible shooting of a short film for which he received the script. "He is going to a casting in Paris" announces Pujaulaine who notes the progress made by her son and the progress in society. "Thanks to Artus' film, people's outlook on disability is changingWhen we finds its place, there is no longer any handicap. It’is a great example" for all different people.

Théophile Leroy will be in Pujaut on Monday for the screening of the film “Un p’tit truc en plus”

Monday evening, Théophile Leroy will be present as a guesté of honor for the screening of the film by Artus, "Un p’tit thing en plus", in which he plays the role of Baptiste. A screening for which a large audience is expected.

À 8:00 p.m.  30, à the Pujaut multipurpose room. 5 €.

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