Handball: Frontignan has two goals to make up to see the Final Four

Handball: Frontignan has two goals to make up to see the Final Four

Face à Pontault-Combault, Frontignan a perdu l’aller 31-33. MIDI LIBRE – Jérôme Belluire

The FTHB plays, this Friday in Pontault-Combault (8:30 p.m.), the return match of the Proligue play-offs.

The Frontignan Thau Handball troops played their last match of the season in front of their home crowd this Tuesday. And they will now have to do everything so that the next one is not, quite simply, the last of the season.

This Friday, May 24, Asier Antonio and his team will indeed challenge Pontault-Combault, for the return match of the Proligue play-offs. And winning won't necessarily be enough.

A doubt to instill

Beated by two goals (31-33) in their Ferrari lair, the Frontignanais will have to make up for a deficit which is far from being crippling. So far that it might even have been an advance… In front of a crowded and overheated room, they effectively played out during the first half of the first leg, with a lead of up to six goals (13-7).

Las, despite a heroic Kévin Mesnard in his goals, they then came across a Cantegrel determined to spoil his counterpart's last performance in front of his family… The Ile-de-France goalkeeper, in full state of grace in the second half, literally gave victory to his team.

Not sure he could achieve such a performance twice in a row. It is up to the Frontignanais to enter into local minds, to instill doubt and to keep the door open towards a historic Final Four.

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