Handball: harsh reality, but Usam Nîmes can still dream (of Europe)

Handball: harsh reality, but Usam Nîmes can still dream (of Europe)

À Chambéry, les supporters ont pris la pose avec quelques joueurs. MIDI LIBRE – USAM

Sévèrement battue à Chambéry (39-31) lors de la 24e journée de Starligue, l’Usam Nîmes croit toujours à une 5e place qui devrait être européenne.

Two good news came to light the start of spring for Usam: the Nîmes had found the keys to success (three in a row, Saint-Raphaël, Saran, Dijon), at the same time as the EHF (the European Handball Federation) was sending favorable signals for a fifth European ticket for the French championship at the end of the season.

The Coupe de France final (next Saturday) pitting Nantes against PSG, two clubs already occupying a continental folding seat in the championship, 5th place in Starligue therefore has a good chance of qualifying for the European League.

Supporters with the Green team

This is what was at stake on Friday in Chambéry. Alas! The Green team completely collapsed at the end of the game. After initially resisting the Savoyard fury well, she went in front at the end of the first period (16-14, 26th), her two left wingers scoring goals (Rebichon, 5/5) and penalties (Vincent, 5 jets of 7 meters) like pearls.

Nîmes led again at the very start of the second half (18-17, 31st) then came under Chamberian pressure again (30-32, 52nd). Before the black hole at the Lighthouse: only one goal scored in the last nine minutes (!), for a severe setback (31-39) which does not reflect long-undecided debates.

Enough to disconcert the thirty members of the club “Usam supporters” who had made the trip. "We had a really good first period, we were pretty confident, but we have the impression that we can't hold on for the whole period ;a match this season, regretted the president of the association, Sylvain Joblon.There are too many ups and downs, we are on alternating current. Like against Dijon, when we almost got caught, but it held. There, the defense took on water after the restart, and there were a lot of ball losses in attack…"

In Dunkirk from Thursday

That said, the top 5 still remains accessible, Limoges being only two lengths behind and having to come to Parnasse at the end of May. "On is always behind them! Hope is reborn with this possibly 5th place in Europe. Mathematically, it is still feasible, even if we have a more difficult schedule than Limoges. But we remain optimistic!", assures Mr. Joblon. On condition of winning in Dunkirk with Franck Maurice, from this Thursday, April 18 (8 p.m.).

Eat apples! In solidarity with farmers, the "Usam supporters" and its members bought apples at the Mas des agricole on Friday before leaving by bus for Chambéry. Just to have a good snack before the meeting at the Lighthouse… I subscribe to read more

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