He falls from the operating table during his anesthesia: the ordeal of a Hérault resident operated on at Montpellier University Hospital

He falls from the operating table during his anesthesia: the ordeal of a Hérault resident operated on at Montpellier University Hospital

The Sétois had surgery at the Montpellier University Hospital on March 7. Free Midi – VICTOR GUILLOTEAU

Operated under total anesthesia in the neurology department of Montpellier University Hospital on March 7, Bruno Branchu learned, when he woke up, that he had fallen from the operating table during the procedure. Revolted and suffering, the Sétois has since fought to obtain explanations.

Bruno Branchu has had difficulty moving around for several weeks. He walks with a crutch. His wife continually helps him with all daily tasks. His back and right leg hurt, despite doses of morphine to calm the pain. "I'm going through hell", he summarizes, since his operation for a lumbar disc puncture in the neurology department of the Montpellier University Hospital, the last March 7.

The doctors recommended a second puncture to this natural athlete, after the one in February, aimed at shedding light on a supposed bacterial inflammation in the lower back. "For several months, I have been complaining of discomfort, explains the sixty-year-old from Sète. I had surgery in October for spinal compression, then in November for a hematoma in the back. But the pain did not stop. The MRIs then revealed an infection, hence these two punctures, in February, then on March 7."

The intervention report confirms "an unexplained slide"

That day, when entering the operating room, Bruno Branchu sees "straps"< /em> on the examination table. "The last memory I have is this. I wake up about two hours later. In the recovery room, hospital staff told me that I fell during the procedure, but that a scanner showed that nothing was broken. I didn’t realize it right away. In this situation, you do not have the reflex to ask questions. I simply noticed a bump on my scalp. In fact, for me, it was the beginning of the nightmare."

He falls from the operating table during his anesthesia: the ordeal of a Hérault resident operated on at Montpellier University Hospital

Bruno Branchu complains of pain in his back and right leg. Free Midi – VICTOR GUILLOTEAU

The post-operative report, delivered to Bruno Branchu on March 15, will simply confirm "an unexplained slip of the patient with a fall from the examination table at the end of procedure". The report adds that a "cranio-cervico-thorsolumbar and abdomino-pelvic […] scan does not show any abnormality linked to the fall or the gesture of the biopsy".

"I’I'm afraid of losing my leg"

"Insufficient", for Bruno Branchu, who says he is "outré , revolted". "I’I had five people around me watching me, and no one can explain to me why I fell off the table ? Nobody reacts& ;nbsp;? I want someone to explain this negligence to me. I'm tired of this wooden language."

Since then, Bruno Branchu has complained of an unlivable existence, the causes of which are not explained to him. "My question is to know if my pain is linked to the act puncture or fall. Today, I am afraid of losing my leg. My right foot and calf are very large. They swell, with increasing insensitivity. The teacher who follows me simply advised me to go see my general practitioner!"

Knowing that the results of the sample on March 7 revealed "the presence of bacteria", adds Bruno Trendy. "In return, the professor asks me to ignore it. This sample, having been contaminated, would not be reliable…"

The response from Montpellier University Hospital

"The Montpellier University Hospital has a policy of continuous improvement in the quality of its medical services. and security care which invites the teams, in the event of the occurrence of undesirable events, to carry out steps to evaluate and identify the causes of the occurrence of these events in order to undertake corrective actions allowing ;éavoid their repetition.

In addition, the Montpellier University Hospital has a dedicated service. relations with users who can be requested in order to remove any doubt surrounding the quality of the product support through mediation meetings or through formalized responses to questions. supporting the expertise of the care teams.

Also, in the case where ù the situations are judicialized, the Montpellier University Hospital stands by the availability of investigative and judicial services to fully participate in the the manifestation of truth medico-legal.

Finally, the Montpellier University Hospital, with its professionals, are bound by confidentiality obligations. and secrecy allowing the preservation of the privacy of its users; &agrav; This title we will not comment on the particular situation exposed and nevertheless remain open to discussion. the disposition of this patient."

Waiting for explanations

"I don't want to lump together the people who follow me at the Montpellier University Hospital, she explains -he. On the one hand, there is the room staff who listen to me, who are remarkable; on the other, an army of administrative staff, insensitive, difficult to contact and devoid of any empathy. I contacted the SRU (user relations service), we have no right to manage people in this way. I respect medicine, but this is inhumane. I know what I have been experiencing since March 7 and I have no explanation. I'm afraid of the consequences, the after-effects, a possible disability…hellip; I hope that the CHU will assume the consequences."

The Sétois must have a new scan at the University Hospital at the start of the week. He has already filed a complaint against X at the Sète police station, for involuntary injuries.

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