He “only” spent 34 euros at Lidl: the retiree receives a fine because he took too long to do his shopping

He "only" spent 34 euros at Lidl: the retiree receives a fine because he took too long to do his shopping

Le retraité n'a pas été assez rapide et pas assez dépensier… Illustration MAXPPP

L’homme est resté 39 minutes sur le parking pour 34 euros d’achats en magasin. Il a reçu une contravention plus élevée que son ticket de caisse de 35 euros.

At the Lidl in Bremen in Germany it is best to do your shopping… at a run.

To prevent supermarket customers from leaving their vehicles in the parking lot for too long, a surveillance company ensures that parking does not exceed 90 minutes.

A time of one and a half hours estimated to be correct according to the company to make purchases. If exceeded, Parkpoint sends a fine to the offender, as reported by Blick.

But a retiree found himself obliged to pay a 35 euro fine even though he had only stayed 39 minutes in the said parking lot.
Furious, he went to demand accountability.

Have your receipt to justify your purchases and your presence in the parking lot.
But the surveillance company refused to take away the prize, explaining: “Unfortunately, the amount of purchases proven is not related to the duration of parking observed&rdquo ;.


The man did not, however, break any rules: he respected the allotted time. So what does the amount of his receipt do in history ?

In fact, before parking in the Lidl car park, the retiree had parked his vehicle near the supermarket in front of a fitness center to carry out his session which lasted 90 minutes, before returning to his car and to move it to the supermarket parking lot.

However, the company took into account the two parking lots: 90 minutes in the fitness parking lot and 39 minutes in the Lidl parking lot. Despite the receipt from the supermarket and proof of parking provided by the fitness center, the company does not want to withdraw his fine.

Still arguing about the amount, too paltry according to her, spent at the Lidl supermarket.

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