Heat record in Montpellier, L214 against Le Gaulois, ex-legionnaire turned painter: the essential news in the region

Heat record in Montpellier, L214 against Le Gaulois, ex-legionnaire turned painter: the essential news in the region

L'essentiel de l'actualité ce 17 février. DR – Diane Petitmangin

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Record de chaleur battu

#MONTPELLIER – T-shirt and sunglasses are required this Saturday, February 17. And for good reason: Montpellier holds the heat record in France. The thermometer showed 20°C, or 7°C higher than the average during this winter period. Appreciable for onlookers, this heat record worries climate experts. Doctor in agroclimatology Serge Zaka shares his findings on the social network deg;C."

The Gaulois chickens, target of L214 activists

#BÉZIERS – This Saturday, February 17, the animal defense association L214 and its 37 local branches led to Béziers and the entire Hexagon "a counter-advertising operation in supermarkets" towards chickens and their cuts from the Le Gaulois brand, by affixing stickers on the trays proclaiming: " Genetically manipulated chicken." Activists denounce not only the quasi-carceral overpopulation of these intensive farms, where there are up to 22 birds per square meter, but above all the suffering suffered by these poultry, "tinkered with" genetically for offer more generous haunches and chests.

A69: complaints from six associations

#TARN – Six associations have announced the filing of a complaint against life of others "due to the seriousness of current events" on the ZAD in Saïx, in Tarn. The plaintiffs denounce "surreal scenes", in particular on the part of the agents of the authority who "poured gasoline at the foot of the trees ", they report in a press release. Michel Forst, human rights defender, spoke out. He sent his message on It is essential to calm the situation on the spot so that environmental democracy can take place."

Today’s number: 77

#SÈTE –Jacques Gatto, 77 years old, has been a driving school instructor for 51 years! And he has seen stories pass through the evolution of the automobile. "I’have formed entire families. I have already been told: “François Commeinhes gave birth to half of the Sétois and Jacques Gatto gave the license to the other half” !", he laughs. He joined the family business as a gas station attendant at the age of 18, after learning to drive alongside his father.

The ex-legionnaire turned army painter

#GARD – Paul Anastasiu joined the Foreign Legion in 1991, then aged 19 and a half. His plan was not to have a long career among the white kepis but rather to paint. As soon as he could, he put down his weapons to pick up the brushes. "My classmates encouraged me to paint. It was a little out of the ordinary. I was making paintings for the regiment", he relates. In 2005, Paul Anastasiu was appointed official painter of the French army. A year later, he retired after fifteen and a half years of service. The opportunity for him to fully invest in his passion which has now become his profession. Numerous paintings but also sculptures created by him adorn the hall of honor of the 1st Regiment where he officiated at Laudun-l’Ardoise. A painting of the Battle of Camerone, considered to be "the founding act of the Legion spirit", is exhibited in the general's office in Aubagne. Currently, Paul Anastasiu is exhibiting at the Bise’Arts boutique in Bagnols-sur-Cèze until Saturday March 2.

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