“I didn't want the president to fire me so close to the end”: Patrice Canayer's last talk

"I didn't want the president to fire me so close to the end": Patrice Canayer's last talk

Patrice Canayer, vendredi, lors de la dernière causerie de sa longue carrière montpelliéraine. Michael Esdourrubailh

Avant de coacher l’ultime match de sa carrière avec le Montpellier Handball, Patrice Canayer a distillé des mots simples à ses joueurs. Quatre minutes pour l’histoire.

Parce que le vestiaire est "un sanctuaire", Patrice Canayer will always have refused cameras in the shower. There is no question of filming the intimacy of your team before or after a match. Whatever it is.

Also read: VIDEO. "I lasted because I never looked back" : Patrice Canayer opens up one last time

We would have liked to break this closed session many times, we must admit. To understand, better analyze situations and probably avoid writing some stupid things…

We would have paid to sit on a piece of bench on May 4, 2003, before the “remontada” of Pamplona and a first success in the Champions League.

We would have given our last shirt to meet Gregory Anquetil's gaze, dry Valentin Porte's tears or listen to the coach religiously. That doesn’t happen. This won't happen again!

Patrice Canayer chose to leave the stage after 30 years, taking all his secrets with him. With the exception of his last talk. On the gong, “La Canaye” consented to a violation of its internal regulations by agreeing to register it. Quietly and for posterity. We listened with his blessing.

"I would have liked to tell you some intelligent things…"

It’was an hour before kickoff. The players on their side and him on the other, two steps from the blackboard. Like always. In four minutes, the story was settled. 120 seconds for feelings. 120 seconds for tactics.

Read also: Images of Patrice Canayer's last evening at the head of Montpellier Handball

"I would have liked to tell you intelligent things, but I'm not sure I can, he said in the preamble. It's the last match but not just for me. There is also David (Degouy, the assistant), Benjamin (Floris, the physical trainer), Marko (Panic) and a few others. They too are entitled to this last one."

"Be professional, like in Aix", he then continued before making this admission: "I didn’t want to come this evening. As you know, it's the kind of thing that I both appreciate but that I don't like to experience. But I came anyway. I didn't want the president to fire me so close to the goal (laughs). That would have been a shame." A little humor to ease the pain and behind it, a word on the’ opponent. Logic!

"Tonight, it’s up to you to help me…"

"Don’t forget that there is Toulouse opposite. They did not come to be extras and participate in the show. Let's not lose sight of the fact that there is a match. Generally, I try to help you a lot. Tonight, it’s up to you to help me and make coaching as simple as possible. I'm not sure I'll be completely lucid until the end."

The rest is a collection of instructions that we didn't all understand. They are the professionals. “Put some intensity… We'll start with a 1-5 defense, Rémi in goal, Karl, Bryan, Stas, Jaime, Veron and Sebastian… On the end of the ball rise, if there are no offset solutions, Karl you will enter as a second pivot… On the defensive withdrawal, Veron, be careful to return to the central sector… In terms of attacking play, we try to stick to simple things that we reworked during the week… It's good for everyone ? We're ready ? Come on!"

Until the end, Patrice Canayer will have done Patrice Canayer. With a victory at stake. The best coach in the history of French handball can hand over the keys to the locker room to Erick Mathé. Without looking back.

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