“I don’t plan to fight the RN in my chair”: Nordine Tria, “surprise” candidate for the legislative elections in the Cévennes constituency

“I don’t plan to fight the RN in my chair”: Nordine Tria, “surprise” candidate for the legislative elections in the Cévennes constituency

Nordine Tria : “Je veux être utile à ma circonscription.” Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

Former president of Alès, Nordine Tria, 64, enters politics for the first time by running, without a label, in the 5th constituency of Gard.

You are the unexpected candidate for the 5th constituency of Gard. What convinced you to launch into these early legislative elections??

Several things. I am known in the region, and we have disenchantment among voters who no longer want to vote for either the right or the left. Who take refuge in the extremes. We have a left-wing front which has formed a somewhat unusual marriage, we will say. And this front has also disappointed its potential voters, who are considering voting blank, or not voting.

Why did the left front disappoint in your opinion ?

Because there was this association with LFI which has too extreme positions. Anti-Semitism does not correspond to my values. The violence of his actions, too. And we must see the dislocation of LFI with its internal exclusions. I tell myself that there is an opportunity to meet expectations.

If you are elected, how do you plan to advance the projects that are important to you? Knowing that you risk being isolated if you do not ;rsquo;not join a group in the Assembly.

Perhaps in other constituencies, we will have other people who will embark on a political journey open to all. As far as I am concerned, I am still a lawyer in Alès, but I have been able to claim my retirement rights since July 2022. That is to say, once elected, I can devote myself solely to the mandate. I want to show that I have the capacity to listen, to transmit messages. I can find what, on the right or the left, may be suitable or may be questionable without being bound by a party. I am also a child of the Republic, the child of a large, not very fortunate family, which means that I can be attentive to the situation of people who put purchasing power and the living environment first. ;I intend to engage on subjects that I can control, such as the indigence of justice and magistrates.

But we risk waiting for you elsewhere than in justice, however.

Indeed. There is also security. We can give the police the means to ensure security everywhere. And it’s not just about repression, it’s also about working with young people, to guarantee them a future. Being an MP also means raising everyone’s expectations . Here, it's missing a lot. I experienced it as president: having a deputy who responds means being reassured, to see that our positions are brought before the National Assembly. This is why I am also making this long-term commitment: I want to be useful to my constituency and then come back in three years and continue the work undertaken.

How, less than 15 days before the first round, do you plan to convince these disappointed voters??

When we listen to RN voters, we hear people who say: "We've never tried them". For me, this is not a satisfactory answer. And I don't plan to fight the RN in my chair. So here we go. We are going to get as close as possible to the residents to talk with them, to show them what I want to wear. I am above all a humanist. And being a humanist means reaching out to others, helping others. This is what makes me touch on respect for secularism and the expression of all beliefs. Respect the freedom to live one's faith or not. Just like attachment to the flag, which is a value monopolized by the RN. Whereas the flag is not the National Rally, it is the Republic. If we want to fight them, everyone must take out their flag to fight them.

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