“I dreamed of being helped like that”: in Montpellier, a center to “destigmatize those who have psychological disorders”

“I dreamed of being helped like that”: in Montpellier, a center to “destigmatize those who have psychological disorders”

Une grande partie de l’équipe du Centre de rétablissement et de réhabilitation des Hauts de Massane. ML – GR

Le Centre de rétablissement et de réhabilitation des Hauts de Massane (Reham) accompagne dans leurs projets des personnes de plus de 30 ans qui souffrent de troubles psychiques.

In this anonymous CHU house, northwest of Montpellier, there are no white coats or medications. The Hauts de Massane Recovery and Rehabilitation Center (Reham) operates in addition to consultation and hospitalization locations.

A project defined in agreement with the user

The interested person first meets the psychiatrist who collects their requests and assesses their needs. Individualized support is then defined in agreement with her.

"Without presumption, we support the person and help them regain confidence", explains Sophie, nurse. "The person remains an expert on themselves and if they are motivated, they can carry out their life projects", continues Azeline, psychologist.

"The doctor no longer has a central place in the organization of care, summarizes Julien, intern in medicine, who has just joined the center. It is the user who is placed at the center of support."

“Helping users by adapting”

Dr Anaëlle Dongal is a psychiatrist at the Reham center

What is the purpose of Reham ?

This structure which was created in 2022 depends on the Montpellier University Hospital. It allows us to support users over the age of 30 who suffer from a psychological disorder over several months or years, through a life project.

How is this new ?

The support does not take place in the care structure but in the city. We help them identify their difficulties and define their needs. And we adapt to their personal or professional project.

How were the Rehab centers born?

They have existed for around ten years in France. They were initiated at the request of the users themselves who took ownership of their recovery. Today, the Regional Health Agency requires a psychosocial rehabilitation offer to be offered (Decree of July 27, 2017 relating to the territorial mental health project).

What appeals to you about this concept ?

I have been a psychiatrist for almost eight years and I have been working at Reham since last November. Discussing with people who suffer from disorders, adapting to their desires, making decisions together, all of this reinforced the idea I had of psychiatry. Fighting stigma means first reaching out to people. And that’s what we do here.

A change for nurses

A small revolution for the nurses who previously worked at the day hospital, located in the same premises. “At the time, we decided everything, Sophie remembers. With the opening of Reham, our practice has changed a lot.

"We realized that being kind and protective is not enough if you don't ask the person for their opinion& quot;, explains Judith. "We support him in his life project and we adapt to his pace", adds Maité.

"The person is not just a pathology", specifies Marion. "What upset me the most was when I asked someone what they needed , explains Mathilde. She replied that it was the first time she had been asked the question…"< /p>

Nora: “Reham changed my life”

"It's been around ten years since I was diagnosed and followed in psychiatry , explains Nora, aged 34. Before there was only my disorder and the medication. Like many people who feel stigmatized, I lacked self-confidence and I didn't dare talk about my problems. I was doing jobs that weren't very fulfilling."

"At Reham, where I have been following for several months, I found a team that considers me as a whole person. I dreamed of being helped like that. I meet with a nurse once a week, or every ten days. If you don't feel well, you can space out the appointments, but the support continues. There is also a psychologist and a whole team."

"They allowed me to work on a project and regain confidence. Thanks to my referent nurse, I was able to meet the Pair Aidance Montpellier association, and find a job. All of this changed my life. We need more centers like Reham. I have lost a lot of time in my life, but I am happy that psychiatric support is evolving. We need to talk more about mental health."

"Nothing about us, without us"

The principles of Reham arise from the movement of users wishing to regain control of their lives, born in the 80s. "Nothing about us , without us"was the motto of the survivors. This is how recovery was established (the process by which the person accepts and overcomes the challenge of psychological illness). In return, rehabilitation tools were defined (which make it possible to support the person in their expectations or life project).

The Reham is the third CHU structure to operate according to these principles. The other two are the Jean Minvielle Recovery and Rehabilitation Center (C2R), which is aimed at people under 30, and the Professional Rehabilitation Platform (PRP), for 18-64 year olds.

All this contributes to changing the way we view psychiatry. "I was apprehensive before coming but my outlook changed", testifies Manon, nursing student.

At Reham, where 60 users are currently supported, teamwork is one of the keys to success. Alongside a psychiatrist, there is a health manager, two psychologists, eight nurse coordinators and a social worker. "Today, our priority is to be well identified, so that users can come to us", concludes the Dr Anaëlle Dongal.

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