“I will never hide”, “I’m taking it in stride”, “we’re going to keep up”: the confidences of MHSC goalkeeper Benjamin Lecomte

“I will never hide”, “I’m taking it in stride”, “we’re going to keep up”: the confidences of MHSC goalkeeper Benjamin Lecomte

“We have the team to do it without worry,” said Benjamin Lecomte, who returned to the MHSC in January 2023 after a first stint (2017-19). Free Midi – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Once again decisive in Nice (1-2), goalkeeper Benjamin Lecomte returns to the undecided situation of the MHSC, before the reception of PSG on Sunday. And does not avoid anything from its own season.

Last Friday, we saw you after the match in Nice (1-2) drinking a Perrier and you blew us away: &amp ;quot;It gets better." It’was the best post-game of the season ?

I hope there will be even better ones. And above all the ultimate Perrier, that of maintenance. It’s a constant fight to keep up, no matter how, where, with whom. We will need everyone, the supporters, the whole club, to push us and get these points.

Is this result a huge relief ?

Especially in the standings because no one was happy to be a barrage before kick-off. A mini-championship will begin after the break. So much the better to have taken the points in Nice, as you have to have ambition against PSG. I experienced it, we have already accomplished the feat at La Mosson.

In Nice, Montpellier has "found a real team", said Michel Der Zakarian. Do you agree ?

We found the solidarity that we lacked, but not yet the complete efficiency. But when I see how the ten men in front of me fought in Nice, plus the entrants, it bodes well.


Wednesday was guard day in Grammont. After a long session under the sun and the gaze of Samir Bellahcene, goalkeeper for the Blues du hand, European champions, Benjamin Lecomte headed to the locker room. Before a casual discussion, only interrupted by Michel Mézy, with a laughing eye. "You have the right to say stupid things", the president's advisor teased. "I'll take care of it", smiled the goalkeeper, author of a clean-sheet.

There are also your two saves, the last of which in the 93rd minute. That was what you needed?

Yes, because I've been having a hard time with it for some time (smile). There are moments like that in a season when it doesn't pay off, where you are less decisive. Being there again feels good.

I've been having a hard time for a while

Where I will have to be decisive is after the break, facing direct competitors. We know the number of points to reach to breathe, around 34, so with three victories it's done, with four it's sure and certain. But if we have to fight until the last day, even until the jump-off, we will fight and we will make sure to maintain the club.

The equalizer against Lyon (1-2) had pointed the cursor at you. How do you explain this drop in speed ?

There is also the luck factor. When I see where the ball goes… It’s played out at 2 centimeters. It’s a little frustrating. But it involves everyday life: work, work and more work to reinforce this success, so that it comes back to my side.

You are 32 years old. Do you still think about these moments ?

Quite honestly, no. If this was really something I felt 100% at fault for…hellip; There, I am the last link in the chain and it's up to me to make the stops. But it doesn’t get to me like it used to. What is past is past.

Now, there is an observation, we are less solid than last year. And we take “top goals” : the Gonalons strike, the one against Nice in the Coupe… At some point, the planets are not aligned. I turn my back. But my situation fades into the background. We're going to war together. I want us to be united, a team, a club together. We still have great prospects ahead of us, I firmly believe in it.

This season, I wonder if I've ever had the same defense in front of me from one game to the next.

The defense has changed enormously, between injuries, the CAN, the departure of Estève, the arrival of Sagnan. Is this part of the explanation of this lesser solidity ?

This is a problem. There is nothing better for a goalkeeper than to have “your defense”. But this season, I wonder if I have ever had the same in front of me from one match to the next, unlike the previous one. In this case, you create things, connections in training, solidity, emotions in matches. But it’s also complicated for the coach and there’s no problem.

In this context, can we have fun ?

It is secondary. We're on a commando mission. The pleasure will come when we are saved. I understand the frustration when the supporters whistle at us. In the current situation, a little perspective. What they did in the last matches. Without this unit, it will be difficult.

“I will never hide”, “I’m taking it in stride”, “we’re going to keep up”: the confidences of MHSC goalkeeper Benjamin Lecomte

Benjamin Lecomte is convinced, the firecracker against Clermont created “a break”. Free Midi – GIACOMO ITALIANO

You experienced relegation at Lorient (2016-17 season). Does this experience, even negative, help you??

I think so. This is perhaps also why I am less “dramatic” than others. I know there is still a way to go. We have the team to do it without worry.

The firecracker against Clermont changes everything.

When you rewatch the film of the season, how did Montpellier get there ?

(Smile) I'm repeating myself but this firecracker (in the 91st minute of MHSC – Clermont, at 4-2, October 8, Editor's note) changes everything. We win the match, we are fifth…

But there are other twists and turns behind it: the CAN, the Mamadou Sakho affair…

The CAN, you just have to prepare yourself for it. The Sakho affair should never have come out. It happens in all clubs. But Clermont, yes, because we win with ten, we can build on an ultra-positive dynamic. In sport, it’s very hard to instill, to make last. For me, this break puts you in a bad “mood”.

Did the team unconsciously or not use it as an excuse?

This is not making excuses, it’s just a reality for us, internally. Imagine, you're taking an exam, you're getting ready to finish, you know you're going to get a good grade and then, fire alarm. They tell you that you have to retake it, change the subject, you have it in the c… What do you think? You ask yourself a lot of questions and it hurts.

In addition, the sanction (match to be replayed, a withdrawal point, Editor's note) goes against the players. You want me to take care of my goals and also the supporters? Maybe they wanted to make an example. But I can't wait to see if it happens again.

At the time, you talked about rage. Did the team have enough of it ? Or did they overwhelm you?

It’s possible. This rage is different for everyone. That’s what makes it a bad cocktail and makes you struggle a bit. Yet when I see certain performances by the team, I tell myself that we have nothing to do where we are. Even if we deserve it, we played the matches, no problem. But last weekend, the victory does not surprise me because this state of mind is the one we should have all the time. Now, it’s like the dynamic, you have to make it last.

“I will never hide”, “I’m taking it in stride”, “we’re going to keep up”: the confidences of MHSC goalkeeper Benjamin Lecomte

"We're going to keep up. I have faith,” says Benjamin Lecomte. Free Midi – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Around the team, there is regularly this little music: this group has nothing to do in this position, it has real potential. Could this have contaminated at some point ?

I'm not sure. Until Clermont, we say to ourselves that really…hellip; But we have to be realistic, if we are where we are, it's not that we haven't done what's necessary, because that gives the impression that we don't give 100%. But it didn’t work.

There is nothing more complicated than playing sustain. It’s exhausting, hard.

When you arrived last year, the situation was almost similar. Before an exceptional recovery. Do you think that this group needs to have its back against the wall to give the best of itself ?

I don't know, honestly. Personally no, because I don't play football to play for maintenance. There is nothing more complicated. It’s exhausting, hard. I hope that the holidays will do some good, that the club will do what is necessary to further expand the team.

One of the criticisms that has come up for several seasons is the lack of frames or their impact. What do you think ?

I don't even know what to answer. Are those who say that with us to judge ? What do you call an executive, the guy who is 33 and doesn't play a match ? Or the one who is 20 and plays non-stop ?

I don't mind expressing myself, whether it goes well or badly, I will never hide.

This ties in with another criticism which is that there is not enough time for executives to speak with supporters, the media…

We are a footballer, we manage our daily life, a group, we talk to each other, that's the most important thing. Why don't I care about going to a journalist to tell him that so-and-so spoke and that it was great. I don't mind expressing myself, whether it goes well or badly, I will never hide. But there are things, it's external noise…

In January 2023, even before returning, you were convinced that the MHSC would be maintained. And now ?

With a little more difficulty, but we will keep up. I have faith, I see that the guys are working but I also know that we had significant losses on the offensive level. But we're going to do it.

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