“I'm being thrown out”: his roof threatens to collapse, Christophe will be evicted from the house he has just bought from a local elected official

“I'm being thrown out”: his roof threatens to collapse, Christophe will be evicted from the house he has just bought from a local elected official

Sandra Otéro, her disabled son, and Christophe Arnau run the risk of seeing their roof collapse on them because they have no alternative housing solution. J.-P A. – Midi Libre

Christophe Arnau bought his house three years ago from a local elected official. Since then, he has experienced a descent into hell. The roof threatens the lives of the inhabitants of this house. This structural defect was not reported at the time of purchase and no one is taking action to alleviate the urgency of the situation. Christophe Arnau has used all his financial possibilities. He got sick from it.

When, in October, Midi Libre met Christophe Arnau, he had been waiting for a year for a court decision because the house he had just bought threatened to collapse. collapse. Immediately after the article was published, the mayor of Cers, Didier Bresson, called in his services to measure the extent of the damage. The roof of the house was only hanging by a hair. 18 of the 21 farms did not play their role. Result: the roof could collapse on the inhabitants of the villa at any moment.

An assessment of the situation which is catastrophic

In the report which was submitted to the town hall of Cers and to Christophe Arnau, it is noted that various pieces of wood are separated or have been torn off. It is also specified that the access hatch to the attic is too narrow to allow access to the frame. "Our conclusion, says the expert, is unequivocal. The work carried out did not eliminate the risk of the roof collapsing. The frame presents an imminent danger to the safety of people inside the house…We strongly recommend prohibiting access to the building." Except that the owner reminded the expert that he had no alternative accommodation. What is notified.

This April 3, the services of the town hall of Cers dispatched a team of experts following the publication of a report from the expertise firm Maillié. & quot;In order to remedy the identified problems, it appears necessary that the roof be completely repaired."

The Cers town hall then gives the owner one month to give his intentions and the deadlines within which he will have the work carried out. "After this period, without guarantee from you as to the completion of the work, I will find myself obliged to issue a safety order which will contain an injunction to carry out the work within a limited time limit. This order may, if necessary, be accompanied by a temporary or permanent ban on living in your property", insists the mayor in a letter. And the mayor writes that he will notify the public prosecutor if nothing is done: "Such failure constitutes an offense."< /em>

"I'm at my wit's end"

Christophe Arnau, the owner of the place, who is supported in all his efforts by Sandra Otéro, a friend who lives under his roof assures him: "I'm at the end of my rope. It is written everywhere that there is an emergency, but nothing is done urgently. I was sold a house three years ago, the previous owner, an elected official from Cers, lives in the village, as does the real estate agency, and nothing has been done against them. I couldn't see such a hidden defect. I'm not a carpenter. Even the company that carried out the obligatory diagnosis did not report the problem." Rue du Somail, three people live under the same roof.

Christophe Arnau, Sandra Otéro, a childhood friend and her disabled son. Everyone is in danger. The wind, the changes, the vibrations of the nearby railway tracks are factors which could, at any time, cause the roof to fall.

“I will do everything I can to help them”, assures Didier Bresson, the mayor of Cers

Didier Bresson, the mayor of Cers, explained that he was sorry about this situation but assured that he had no emergency solution to implement. He said he was obliged to bring in a new legal expert to analyze the roof of the residents of rue du Somail."Today, I am obliged to place a danger order on this house and I know that these people no longer have the means to pay. The town hall urgently called in a company for consolidation work. That was not enough. We knew it would be temporary. There, today, there is danger. It’s sad, but there’s nothing I can do. This man is taken by the credit of his house. We need to find a rehousing solution and I don't have a solution right away. The only apartment I had left was occupied by a lady who lived on the street. As soon as we find an apartment for her they will have priority, but right now, I can't leave them there. I try to put all my weight behind all the institutions. But it is justice that is too slow for such cases. The court must move and quickly, because the situation is very complicated and lives are at stake. The experts all give contradictory analyzes. Everyone should also take their responsibilities. What is certain is that I will do everything to help them get out of this mess that is not their fault. This is a commitment on my part."

All financial solutions are exhausted

The case is still in the hands of justice. Sandra sees her friend sinking little by little. Christophe no longer has the money to carry out work. He is obliged to take medical treatment to overcome the anguish he is forced to experience since he remains at home under threat despite the obligation to leave the house stipulated in a mail. He is waiting for justice to move a little faster and for a quick solution to the situation. He thinks he is the victim "of a scam" because someone has already tampered with the roof like the  rsquo;indicates the expert.

"I’have exhausted all financial solutions. I no longer take my salary so that my business can continue. There, they threw me out of my house, without offering me anything. I have credit, I have to empty the house and pay for storage, but also find an apartment with another rent to pay. It’s a real descent into hell. And everyone is hurrying to take their time. All these people are comfortable. They have a solid roof over their heads. I don't."

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