[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

The future university center will include large spaces, particularly outdoors. – town of sete

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

La cour extérieure arborera un revêtement en coquilles d'huîtres recyclées. – Ville de sete

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

La cour, actuellement en travaux. Midi Libre – VICTOR GUILLOTEAU

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

The elected official Laurence Magne is leading the project for the Agglo. Free Midi – VICTOR GUILLOTEAU

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

The work should be completed in May, with an opening in September 2024. – VICTOR GUILLOTEAU

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

Des graffitis recouvrent certains murs de la cour. Midi Libre – VICTOR GUILLOTEAU

The former Victor-Hugo college is undergoing a total renovation. The premises, with a strong eco-responsible dimension, will be accessible from September 2024. Up to 400 people will be welcomed there. Preview visit with elected official Laurence Magne.

Laurence Magne's eyes sparkle when she welcomes you at the foot of the old Victor-Hugo college. The renovation of the building, built in 1880, is THE project of her mandate as vice-president of the Agglo delegated to Higher Education and Training. Still a teacher at Joliot-Curie for Terminales and BTS, she ardently defends the concept of a “university city of balance”, passionate about the training of tomorrow, the notions of circular economy and decarbonization.

So, this Michèle-Weil university center project, she carries it with exaltation. "We are first of all here in a place of origin. education. It’is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city, which is located in a district that benefits from the most important urban renewal."

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

The building dates from the 19th century. Free Midi – VICTOR GUILLOTEAU

"Preserve the soul and character of the old"

Although the college has been closed for around twenty years, the premises were then occupied by artists' studios. The interior is now completely under construction. Everything is open, even if the walls remain, just like the frames. Some floors were destroyed. But the elected official wants the soul of the building to be preserved. The ceiling moldings will still be there. The old stairs are not going to change. "Everything is magnificent. We keep the floors. We want to preserve the soul and character of the old. We are attached to the history of this place."

Shared and connected spaces

Laurence Magne serves as a guide in these large spaces that she now knows by heart. The site will have a range of connected classrooms and practical work. The spaces will be shared (conference rooms, meetings or coworking, library, audiovisual studio…), in order to encourage exchanges and creativity. "We want users to take ownership of the place", continues Laurence Magne, going up, via the staircase of & rsquo;period, on the first floor, where the future resource center will be located."This room will be open to businesses, students, and professional training. This place, I would like it to be open Monday to Saturday, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m."

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

Students will benefit from dedicated spaces: cafeteria, relaxation and conviviality areas, premises for the General Association of Sétois Students. A range of services will complete these facilities: multi-service reception hall, Crous (student life service), MLIJ (Local Youth Integration Mission) and City and City services. rsquo;Agglo (culture, sports, media libraries, mobility, housing…). "We want young people to find answers here", simply states Laurence Magne, who campaigns for a place “inclusive and open”.

Students, apprentices, interns, employees…: a large audience welcomed

This space dedicated to professional training and higher education, costing 7 million euros, has the mission of consolidating the local training offer in Sète and the Agglomerate. . Students will find a BUT (University Bachelor of Technology) “Business and administration management”, with a third year “Management of circular economy projects”, a Master in circular economy, a BUT Informatique, the regional digital school (which trains job seekers in coding), a connected campus, an MLI training room (via the “contract ;rsquo;youth engagement”), as well as professional training rooms.

The university center will therefore welcome students, apprentices, trainees in professional training, employees of companies or communities…hellip; "ultimately, 350 to 400 people will be present on the site daily. Designed and reflected as an innovative, open, hybrid and connected place, this site will be a space for sharing and collective experiences, conducive to the creation of ideas, cross-experiments and innovative projects. quot;, explains Laurence Magne enthusiastically.

The energy efficiency of the building will be optimized and the entire building will be made accessible. Pedestrian and PRM paths will even be made with oyster shells from the Thau basin!

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

The future classrooms, on the ground floor. Free Midi – VICTOR GUILLOTEAU

The circular economy at the center of the project, from Bac -3 to Bac +5

The building, with an area of ​​2000 m2, will also house the BEC, for “Bureau de l’circular economy”. "Researchers, teachers, students, will phosphorus their ideas to advance this science", already imagines Laurence Magne, who wants to create the future center university "the first connected campus for circular economy professions". "We will be able to trace Baccalaureate courses – 3 to Bac +5, with thesis research work, on the circular economy. This will be, I believe, unique in France. For me, it’s a struggle, but it’s wonderful."

[IN IMAGES] The Michèle-Weil university center, the future totemic place for student life in Sète

When it comes to the furniture layout of spaces, priority will be given to the acquisition of second-hand or recycled furniture. The elected official insists: "We are doing eco-design, I asked that there not be a single piece of furniture nine. We do not want to give a modern soul. We want this place to be inspiring. We must remain in the spirit of the circular economy. There needs to be consistency. The IUT sends me photos of the things they throw away. I said “We don't throw anything away anymore” ! A start-up specializing in upcycling (“upcycling”, also translated “recycling from above”, Editor's note) also helps us in this desire to do something new with the old one. We don't have time to talk anymore." Delivery scheduled for May, in preparation for the start of the school year next September.

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