Jegou-Auradou affair: “We hope that Oscar will be able to return soon”, the Rochelais stadium supports its player

On Monday, August 12, 2024, Stade Rochelais showed its support for Oscar Jegou. The rugby player, like his teammate Hugo Auradou, was released yesterday in Argentina. He is facing charges of rape with violence and is required to remain in the South American country.

He supports his player. In a press release published on Monday, Stade Rochelais affirmed its support for Oscar Jegou, in the case of rape with violence in Mendoza, Argentina.

On August 12, the courts granted his release, as well as that of Hugo Auradou, targeted by the same accusations. The two rugby players are nevertheless obliged to remain in Argentina.

“An important step”

For Stade Rochelais, the release of the third line is “an important step towards proving his innocence”.

He is delighted with his release and adds: “We, the entire Stade Rochelais community, reaffirm our support for Oscar and his family.”