La Maison Carrée, a Nîmes jewel listed by UNESCO: increasing attendance and new perspectives

La Maison Carrée, a Nîmes jewel listed by UNESCO: increasing attendance and new perspectives

La Maison Carrée, inscrite depuis septembre 2023 au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO.

La Maison Carrée, est un lieu incontournable pour les touristes et nîmois. Inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco depuis septembre dernier elle attire des visiteurs de tous horizons.

Since its inscription as a UNESCO world heritage site on September 18, 2023, the Maison Carrée, an emblematic ancient Roman temple of Nîmes, has experienced a definite revival of interest .

If the precise increase in attendance is still difficult to quantify, the first signs are encouraging, as confirmed by Xavier Douais, deputy mayor in charge of tourism: "We have a property registered with Unesco, that can only be positive." The deputy specifies that "the Maison Carrée will not be the essential driver of the increase in the number of visitors to the city, the objective is above all the promotion and transmission of Nîmes heritage& nbsp;!"

For Irène Fanton, responsible for the development of the territory, "from a tourist point of view of distant markets but sensitive to the culture and world heritage like the United States or Asia, the impact is obvious". However for her, it is still too early to associate a specific increase in visitors to the Maison Carré : "It’is premature , I think that we will really have results the third year after registration."

Valuing and transmitting

Beyond the expected increase in the number of visitors, UNESCO registration also has other positive effects. It makes it possible to promote Nîmes heritage and pass it on to new generations. Numerous initiatives have been carried out, such as collaborations with local schools and businesses, or the pedestrianization of rue Auguste, facing the Maison Carrée.

For tourists from various backgrounds, encountered near the monument, the monument deserves its new title. Alex and Lenka came from Belgium, this is a first in Nîmes: "We didn't know much about Maison Carrée before arriving. But upon discovering it, we were really surprised by its historical and architectural interest. This inscription really gives an extra dimension to the city."

"The label will contribute to its notoriety"

Ewen came from Scotland. For this Roman history enthusiast, the Maison Carré was not to be missed: "The architecture is magnificent and the explanatory panels allow you to immerse yourself in the history of the monument and the city. The UNESCO listing is an important recognition that allows us to preserve this site for future generations."

Juliette works in a museum in Lyon. She is passing through the city for the weekend. For her, the Maison Carré was an essential stop: "The Unesco label will undoubtedly contribute to its notoriety and it’is deserved. It is a fascinating monument that perfectly symbolizes the history of the city."

Yiting and Yifei come straight from the United States, they are both fascinated by the history of Maison Carré and its conversation"It’s incredible to see how this monument has survived the centuries and that it is still so well preserved. It is important to perpetuate the history of humanity and the Maison Carrée is a concrete example of this."

Barbara came from Belgium, she was not aware of the new inscription on the monument: "I didn't know, but it was ;rsquo;is excellent news which will certainly contribute to its international influence."

La Maison Carrée should thus continue to shine and attract visitors from all over the world, contributing to the tourist and cultural dynamism of the city.

Guided tours to discover the Maison Carrée

La Maison Carrée represents one of the oldest and best preserved expressions of a Roman temple dedicated to imperial worship. By the historical circumstances of its creation, the political importance of its consecration and the stylistic choices which governed its construction in the first years of our era, the temple testifies to the values ​​of lasting peace, concord and prosperity that promoted and sought to guarantee the Roman Empire.

Every Monday until the end of August, at 6 p.m., the Nîmes tourist office organizes guided tours to discover this gem. Meet in front of the Maison Carrée. 12 euros, 8 euros, by reservation. 04 66 58 38 00.

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