Lab Eco Midi Libre: the Hérault department has now reached the milestone of 100,000 companies

Lab Eco Midi Libre: the Hérault department has now reached the milestone of 100,000 companies

Lilian Turette au micro, sous le regard bienveillant de Clément, son frère, a dévoilé son projet. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

FREE LUNCH EVENT. The registration of the 100,000th company in Hérault made it possible to highlight the work, monitoring and support of the Hérault Chamber of Commerce and Industry in during a special Eco Morning organized as part of the Lab Eco Midi Libre, Thursday May 23, at the newspaper's headquarters. And it is Clément and Lilian Turette, two brothers who recently settled in Montpellier, who created this 100,000th company, Mogue Skate House, a company focused on aquatic and urban riders.

The round number says a lot about the development of the territory. Midi Libre organized an Eco Morning at its premises on Thursday May 23 to celebrate the creation of the 100,000th company registered in Hérault. A remarkable milestone which makes the department the one which creates the most businesses in Occitanie.

This positive dynamic can be explained by several factors. "We can in particular be satisfied with working very well with all the communities, underlines André Deljarry, president of the CCI Hérault and first vice-president of the CCI Occitanie. From the Region, with Carole Delga, to the communities of municipalities, without forgetting the State which plays an important role". For him, the Hérault Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) must play the role of facilitator and support for business leaders.

While the organizers had taken care to keep the identity of the 100,000th company a secret, it was ultimately two brothers who presented themselves on the stage, alongside the 100,000th company. Olivier Biscay and André Deljarry. The latter was pleased to see two young entrepreneurs in front of him. "They will create an entire ecosystem by investing in our territory. This is excellent news, he smiled.

A company designed around its territory

Clément and Lilian Turette, 28 and 25 years old respectively, shared their life journey. Coming from a modest family in Brittany, they embraced two different trajectories before finding themselves in this entrepreneurial project. Clément, the eldest, was part of a football training center for more than ten years, while studying business. Lilian, the youngest, has been in the professional world for more than 10 years. First in the bakery, he then turned to the world of sport before returning to the food industry.

"Six years ago, pushed by our big brother, we left for Australia to open up to another culture, explains Lilian Turette. Coming back in France, we settled in Montpellier, and we began to dream of entrepreneurship. The two brothers thus thought of and created Mogue Skate House, which should be established in Montpellier by 2025.

The complex aims to bring together aquatic and urban riders, who have a common sensitivity to the environment. "There is a big community here, and no place to welcome them, underlines Clément Turette. The city hosts the largest extreme sports festival in the world, this is something to consider. We want to become the heart of a neighborhood, with a coffee shop, restaurants, a coworking space, a skate park, but also a physiotherapy practice…"< /em>

Now it remains for the two brothers to find the land they are looking for, and some partners, particularly for the restoration.

"Your project excites me, because it includes sport, and in Montpellier more than elsewhere, we see that’ rsquo;it is a major vector of the territory’s economy, launched André Deljarry. In this area, we will launch an innovation in the opera sector in Montpellier at the start of the school year. But I can't say more for the moment…" So be patient.

An active and dynamic territory through its entrepreneurs

Lab Eco Midi Libre: the Hérault department has now reached the milestone of 100,000 companies

Several business leaders shared their experiences with the CCI. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

During this Eco Morning, several business leaders also spoke, in order to show and highlight all the diversity of existing activities in Hérault. Patou Baruteau had a classic career in the travel field, working first at Air Littoral, then in a travel agency. In 2012, she chose to take the plunge and created Collection Voyages, her own travel agency.

"When you start a business, you quickly feel alone, because there are so many steps to take. The CCI helped me in this sense, and even allowed me to create a second agency in La Grande-Motte,” she smiles. At the same time, it organizes the Horizons Marins show each year in order to change the way people look at cruises.

At his side, Stéphane Cinier, manager of Cinier, took over from his father at the head of the family business based in Sète. Today, his company exports Pyrenees stone radiators to more than 50 countries around the world."We focus on a high-end clientele that can be found in Italy, Germany, or the north of Africa, list Stéphane Cinier. A business is a marathon, not a 100 m, you have to constantly fight to continue to exist."

Rémy Lièvre had to adapt when his company, ARL Concept, found itself in receivership two and a half years ago. Today, he is working on multiple projects and is looking for land to build a 1,500 m&sup2 factory. to accommodate its ten employees, and the containers that its company produces. "We are working on the renovation of an old service station in La Mosson, or on the extension of the Ehpad de Mèze", he specifies.

Finally, Marc Felice was also supposed to speak this morning, but the manager of the Melice restaurant in Port Marianne had to replace one of his employees at short notice. The CCI of Hérault supported him in the creation of his establishment.

The CCI of Hérault, a supporting and facilitating organization

Lab Eco Midi Libre: the Hérault department has now reached the milestone of 100,000 companies

Elected officials at the CCI spoke about their support for businesses. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

To conclude the Eco Morning, four elected officials from the Hérault Chamber of Commerce and Industry took the floor to share their role and functions, and thus explain how the structure supports businesses on a daily basis.

"First of all, it should be noted that all CCI elected officials are themselves heads of their own company. We know what we're talking about, it's important data, says Guillaume Pena. We try to ensure the best possible monitoring, it sometimes extends over the entire lifespan of the company."

A supporting role which today allows Hérault to record the creation of 10,000 businesses each year. "Today, there is a need to trigger this ecological, digital and CSR shift, specifies Stéphanie Andrieu. If you don't do it, others will do it faster than you. There is this need to support businesses, since 95% of companies are VSEs or SMEs."

For Fabrice Baila, it is important to have the approach of meeting other business leaders to evolve and move forward. "You have to get involved in fairs, work commissions, and you have to know how to receive, but also sometimes give", adds -he.

Objective 150,000 companies

Finally, it should be noted that companies have encountered new problems during the post-Covid period. "There is a big difficulty in recruiting and training from now on, judge Véronique Vilette. The CCI is setting up HR morning meetings, in collaboration in particular with France Travail and l’Apec."

And for the future, what can we wish for the CCI of Hérault ? "This evening (Thursday May 23, Editor's note), Patrick Bruel is passing through Montpellier. So I'm going to do like him, and meet you in ten years, for the 150,000th, concluded André Deljarry. It’is entirely possible, given the current dynamics".

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