Lack of swimming pools, overheated stalls, a fisherman’s outburst: the main news in the region

Lack of swimming pools, overheated stalls, a fisherman’s outburst: the main news in the region

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The fisherman's “hot temper” earns him a prison sentence

#HÉRAULT “I'm so fed up, I've lost it. The last time, my nets were broken, I paid 10,000 euros for it, declared this fisherman from Sète after his outburst on the Ingril pond, in Frontignan, on July 22.

The 55-year-old man had deliberately driven his boat into three stationary windsurfers, slightly injuring two of them. He had also struck their boards and sails, which he had damaged.

He was tried by the Montpellier Criminal Court. Eighteen months in prison, eight of which were suspended with probation, a ban on appearing on the Ingril lagoon and confiscation of the boat were requested. The court followed these requests.

Having benefited from a reduction in his sentence under an ankle bracelet, he was able to leave detention, but he will no longer be able to fish on the pond, will have to compensate the victims and receive treatment to control his anger.

Stallholders overheating in the temporary halls

#ALES The heat is unbearable in the temporary halls installed in an underground car park in Alès. “One of the stallholders' fridge gave up the ghost, its meter blew. They threw away all the merchandise. For us, the heat is responsible”, testifies the cheesemaker. “Many customers, especially the elderly, no longer come because it is too hot.”

A large number of stallholders have signed a petition in which they are asking for “60~em>”financial support for the refrigeration engineers' interventions.” They are also proposing the installation of “air conditioning systems” or additional fans to improve “air circulation” in the spaces. Faced with the impossibility of air-conditioning the site, the mayor has not ruled out closing it for two weeks.

In the middle of a heatwave, Nîmes lacks swimming pools

#NÎMES The closure of Aquatropic, the aquatic leisure site, since Monday, has highlighted the difficulty of finding places to swim in Nîmes in the middle of a heatwave.

The town hall has asked to close the Aquatropic pools until a faulty valve is repaired. The only municipal pool open is the Iris pool in Pissevin, which is stormed. The Pablo-Neruda pool in the town centre is closed all summer and the reopening of Fenouillet has still not been announced. There is still a water sports centre open but the prices are higher.

Smoked salmon removed from shelves

#OCCITANIE Several references of smoked salmon plates sold in Leclerc, Carrefour and Casino group stores are the subject of a major consumer recall due to a break in the cold chain, announces L’Indépendant.

These products (details on the Rappel conso website) should not be consumed. They were marketed between July 18 and 26 in E.Leclerc stores in Ariège, Aude, Aveyron, Cantal, Haute-Garonne, Gers, Hérault, Lot, Pyrénées-Orientales, Tarn and Tarn-et-Garonne. The products will be refunded until Tuesday, August 13.

Today's figure: 10

#HÉRAULT Ten years after the lido renaturation project chosen on the Petit Travers between Carnon and La Grande-Motte, which aimed to restore the natural site while maintaining public access, shows a largely positive ecological balance sheet. 35,000 m2 of new dunes have been reformed in place of the old RD 59.

Another piece of good news: the increase in the numbers of various species of amphibians and dragonflies on the site, thanks in particular to the creation of a wetland and temporary ponds.

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