LEGISLATIVE, 15 DAYS LATER. In Laroque, in a campsite: “Is this a crisis of democracy or a political crisis ?”

LEGISLATIVE, 15 DAYS LATER. In Laroque, in a campsite: “Is this a crisis of democracy or a political crisis ?”

Lola et Lisa, venues de Paris : “L’impression d’être dans une politique de l’urgence, avec du mal à voir ce qu’ils construisent sur le long terme”. Midi Libre – SYLVIE CAMBON

the essential And now ? Nearly two weeks after the second round of the legislative elections, while the National Assembly is being reorganized and a new government is expected, Midi Libre takes the pulse of the population in emblematic places of the summer: at the Tivoli, a bucolic municipal campsite in Laroque on the banks of the Hérault, as well as near the arenas of Nîmes, an essential tourist spot, but also at the Sabines, the starting and finishing point of the Flixbus lines in Montpellier, on the Tour de France route in Sommières… Seen from Occitanie, another look at the current political situation.

"You believe it ?" At the municipal campsite Le Tivoli, nestled between the D986 and the Hérault river, at the exit of the medieval village of Laroque, Lola (first names only are given at the request of those interviewed), 31 years old, psychotherapist, and Lisa, 27 years old , designer, topographical map of the department spread out on the lunch table, get caught up in the game of political discussion, at the heart of these holidays where Parisians admit to having dropped out.

"You have time ?", the post-election debate&nbsp ;part in almost philosophical considerations, among their neighbors, Fabien and his group of friends from Charente, who sent a representative from each of the three blocs to the National Assembly. But "one in two voters voted RN".

LEGISLATIVE, 15 DAYS LATER. In Laroque, in a campsite: “Is this a crisis of democracy or a political crisis ?”

The bucolic setting helps to distance ourselves from the political situation. Midi Libre – SYLVIE CAMBON

In a swimsuit by the water, Aurélie, consultant and pharmaceutical industry, and Maxime, developer, dive into a news story that they follow on a dotted line, retrieving information from the day "at aperitif time", "there is always something", notes Maxime. "We got the results of the second round on Sunday evening, we went on vacation on Tuesday. We have distanced ourselves from all that", reports Maxime, convinced that the President of the Republic will let the Olympics pass before appointing a new Prime Minister.

"The situation is no longer in our hands"

At the European elections as well as at the legislative elections, the young couple traveled each time to vote, in an already shifted context: "We live in a "bobo" with mostly moderate opinions, a left-wing bubble. There were more votes for the animalist party than for the RN", recalls Aurélie, who wants to keep hope : "The The situation is no longer in our hands. This coalition can be a very good thing for France. We were one of the only countries not to have tried it.

"It's going to be complicated, you'll see a coalition to govern ?" bounces his companion , which has more questions than answers. "Will the NFP really agree on a Prime Minister ? Will Macron accept it ? Will the laws can be voted on ? We are not out of the brambles", estimates the Lyonnais, who sees for the moment "lots of gesticulations and little action". But there is no urgency according to him: "The example of Belgium shows that we can do "without&quot ; for some time". "In the meantime, we are not unraveling all our rights", Aurélie is satisfied. But "they must not miss each other".

The bucolic haven of Tivoli does not allow you to forget the behind the scenes. For Fabien, we must focus elsewhere than on the current main scene, the appointment of a Prime Minister: "C& rsquo;this is what has been happening for years, with voters making choices by default, which raises questions. How can we be here today, in a tense international context, and I'm not talking about ecological issues…hellip; The debate should be about this. But there is no more debate. It should not be about who is right or wrong, but how we live together ?"

"I think nothing is going to happen before the Olympics", he supposes also.

"The debate is hollow"

Adeline had said that she "would no longer vote against", she had to s& rsquo;resolve it because it "does not see (himself) with the extremes in power".

Karine no longer believes in it, and this week of new negotiations only reinforces her opinions: "Whatever party , he is not there to govern the country, he first wants to put himself forward. The debate is hollow and the elections are just nonsense.

And for Sabine, "the strategy put in place by the RN", which captures "the general fed-up", "is starting to pay off". "What I keep from these elections is that people are in a tough situation. On a daily basis, more and more of them are dropping out. When you vote for extremes, that means something… It made me sad, this period, adds Adeline, who echoes Maxime's words: "I don't see how they're going to come to an agreement, I don't see how they're going to manage to govern, and I'm afraid that this will be an excuse for inaction".

Sabine : "When Macron came to power, he already tried to do things differently, and it didn’not really work&quot ;.

Talking about politics to a young person who is voting for the first time in this context, seeing an RN/NFP couple tear apart among their close friends… and wonder if "we can love each other when we don’have the same values", the political campaign&nbsp ;transported them on paths they never imagined.

"There is a before and an after the election"

Can two women display their relationship everywhere, without danger ? The thoughts of Lola and Lisa, "shaken& ;quot; in recent weeks, have also taken side roads.

On the political level, after the "relief" of an extreme right removed from power, they note a "general vagueness"&nbsp ;: "I didn't believe in the alliance from the start, given Mélenchon's personality. I immediately told myself that it was ruined. I see the plates of an iceberg, and they do not meet. Today, I have a hard time seeing what they are building in the long term", confides Lola.

On a more personal level "these very high figures from the extreme right make you paranoid", adds the Parisian, who has come to wonder how her relationship with her partner would be from now on perceived: "There is a before and an after the election".

Even before the Europeans, on June 1st, there was already this "Pride", "very political" , in Alençon, where homophobic remarks were made in a bar, with the passive complicity of the manager, who was nevertheless alert: "Since then, for me, the tension never came back down. We are not in an ideal world, something happened, we need to take a stand more than ever", insists the young woman. "Is this a crisis of democracy or a political crisis ?"&nbsp ;Lisa doesn't have the answer anymore. Since "this France RN has been in the face".

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