Legislative: a former president, an unwilling dissident, the new face of RN… the candidates to follow

Legislative: a former president, an unwilling dissident, the new face of RN... the candidates to follow

Qui pour siéger à l'assemblée nationale dans un mois ? MAXPPP – Thomas Padilla

For the first time in over twenty years, the legislative elections are a major issue. This explains the presence, on the starting line, of different political figures.

François Hollande, "to render service" (New Popular Front)

Legislative: a former president, an unwilling dissident, the new face of RN... the candidates to follow

François Hollande, a former President on the campaign trail. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

A former President of the National Assembly, he admitted, it is "exceptional". But "the situation is exceptional", commented François Hollande when justifying his candidacy. At 69, he is therefore running again for the seat of the 1st district of Corrèze which he once occupied. Skeptical about the Nupes in 2022, he leaves under the banner of the New Popular Front "to be of service"and lay his stone at the dam against the RN, without this arousing great enthusiasm. Facing him, no Renaissance candidate but the outgoing LR Francis Dubois and the RN Maïtey Pouget, whose party came first in the European elections.

Jérôme Guedj, self-excluded from the Popular Front (PS)

Legislative: a former president, an unwilling dissident, the new face of RN... the candidates to follow

Jérôme Guedj, dissident in spite of himself. MAXPPP – Luc Nobout

Unusual situation in Essonne, where the outgoing deputy, Jérôme Guedj, will be notably opposed to the one who was his deputy Hella Kribi-Romdhane. Mr. Guedj, in recent months, has been the target of Jean-Luc Mélenchon's attacks on the situation in Gaza, after having criticized the Insoumis for their refusal to designate the Islamist movement as terrorist. "I cannot associate myself with LFI due to deep differences", he explained his choice not to be part of the Popular Front. The PS and other figures from the left officially support her even though the nomination was given to Ms. Kribi-Romdhane.

Aurélien Rousseau, the Macronist who stands up (New Popular Front)

Legislative: a former president, an unwilling dissident, the new face of RN... the candidates to follow

Aurélien Rousseau, from the first Macronist circle to the opposition in the New Popular Front. MAXPPP – Luc Nobout

His candidacy must have caused a stir at the Élysée. Chief of staff of Élisabeth Borne, then minister – ephemeral – of Health before slamming the door after the vote on the immigration law, the Cévenol Aurélien Rousseau, 48 years old, presents himself in Yvelines under the banner of the Popular Front and Place publique, &quot ;strong in my values, republican, universalist, for progress and emancipation", he detailed, adding: "The RN must not gain power". Her main opponent, however, will be the outgoing Renaissance Béatrice Piron. If he wins, he could dismantle the pension reform he has been… one of the artisans.

Élisabeth Borne, Macronist tenor in danger (Renaissance)

Legislative: a former president, an unwilling dissident, the new face of RN... the candidates to follow

Elisabeth Borne, a former Prime Minister in danger. MAXPPP – MiKAEL ANISSET

She embodies, like Stanislas Guerini, Franck Riester, Marc Fesneau or Olivier Véran, these figures of Macronism, ministers or former ministers, threatened on their own ground because they are accountable for the policies of the head of state. At 63, the former Prime Minister returns to the fight in her constituency of Calvados where, in 2022, she narrowly won (52.4%) against the candidate Nupes while ;she was leaving Matignon. She will find on her way the Insoumis Noé Gauchard, but also the RN Nicolas Calbrix who can bank on the dynamics of the European elections where his party accumulated 34% of the votes, when Renaissance stalled at 17.1%. nbsp;%.

Éric Ciotti, paragon of the union of the rights (Les amis d'Eric Ciotti)

Legislative: a former president, an unwilling dissident, the new face of RN... the candidates to follow

Eric Ciotti is playing out his political future. MAXPPP – Telmo Pinto

At the center of the political game since the dissolution for his very right-wing move, Éric Ciotti is gambling on his political future with these legislative elections. The president of LR failed to involve his party in a union of the rights but he still brings 62 candidates, under a banner "Friends of Éric Ciotti with the RN". In his Alpes-Maritimes constituency which he has held since 2007, the Niçois will face six candidates, including a business leader invested in LR at the last minute or Graig Monetti (Horizons) whom he won in 2022. He remains the favorite and can dream of the Interior if the RN offers itself the majority. On the other hand, he will be condemned to crossing the desert in the event of defeat.

Thyphanie Degois, the war prize of the RN (National Rally)

Legislative: a former president, an unwilling dissident, the new face of RN... the candidates to follow

Typhanie Degois, new face of the National Rally. MAXPPP – Vincent Isore

At 24 years old in 2017, she was the youngest LREM MP. Typhanie Degois did not run for a second term in 2022, but here she is again at 31, still in Savoie, to challenge the one who succeeded her, Marina Ferrari, who has since become digital minister. Except that the young woman has changed parties. She will represent the RN, in this constituency where it has largely imposed itself on the Europeans, with the aim, she says, of "seizing this historic chance to put an end to years of immobility and laxity. She wishes to « symbolize a very broad union of the right". And thus become one of the new figures of a party which lacks female references.

Legislative: a former president, an unwilling dissident, the new face of RN... the candidates to follow

And also

Ministers in the running

There are 24 members of the government in total running for the legislative elections, including eleven in Île-de-France. Including the first of them, Gabriel Attal, candidate in Hauts-de-Seine. A first for Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné (Hauts-de-Seine) and Minister for Agriculture Agnès Pannier-Runacher, who will have to avoid a grand slam from the RN in the North. The others have all already gone to the polls.

In dissent

They embody "the purge" which would have been orchestrated by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The outgoing deputies Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido and Danièle Simonnet are still candidates, facing the LFI but supported by a large part of the left. Their score will say a lot about the influence of Mr. Mélenchon.


François Ruffin (Popular Front) in the Somme, Marine Le Pen (RN) in Pas-de-Calais, Laurent Wauquier (LR) in Haute-Loire, even Gérald Darmanin (Renaissance) in the North , called upon to play an important role in the future, will be just as scrutinized.

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