Legislative elections 2024: “If you think that I should not be Prime Minister, I will not be” assures Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Legislative elections 2024: “If you think that I should not be Prime Minister, I will not be” assures Jean-Luc Mélenchon

The leader of the Insoumis assures that he “will always be on the side of the solution”. MAXPPP – Teresa Suarez

The leader of rebellious France spoke this Sunday June 16, 2024 in the program Dimanche en politique on France 3, after the controversies sparked by the ousting of five candidates for the legislative elections.

"If you think I shouldn't be Prime Minister, I won't be", declared this Sunday June 16 on France 3 the leader of the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon, specifying that "it’is up to the political parties which constitute the coalition& quot; left of "make the right decision".

"People kept saying for days and days that I was divisive. I have been accused of anything and everything, anti-Semitism, this, that […]. I will never be the problem, I will always be on the side of the solution", affirmed Mélenchon.

Questioned about the possibility of François Ruffin gaining access to Matignon in the event of victory for the New Popular Front, the rebellious leader estimated that "this’is an answer which belongs entirely to him".

"I saw him say 'I'm ready'", he added, conciliatory despite the very harsh words of François Ruffin after the sidelining of the former traveling companions of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Raquel Garrido, Alexis Corbière and Danielle Simonnet.

"A government is not a bunch of friends"

"A government is not a bunch of friends, it’s not an arrangement between currents. It’s about being able to withstand the shock of governing. It’s the worst job, Matignon", said Jean-Luc Mélenchon again.

He highlighted the wish of rebellious France to open up to figures from civil society, like the confederal leader of the CGT Céline Verzeletti, candidate in the constituency of Danielle Simonnet.

Asked about the support of the former President of the Republic François Hollande for the New Popular Front, and for his candidacy in Corrèze, Mélenchon was satisfied.

"All reinforcements and welcome to beat the National Rally"

"Any reinforcement is welcome to beat the National Rally. And the fewer people there are outside who are in a critical and obviously always very personalized relationship – I am the general lightning rod for all problems – so much the better", he said.

"This is the life of democracy. The PS chooses who it wants. For my part, I apply the rule that I ask him to apply", he continued, while the PS criticized the choices of ;investiture of LFI. "I throw the grudge into the river and I hope that he (François Hollande) does the same. And we are going to have complicated problems to resolve. Better to do it in an atmosphere where everyone contributes their intelligence rather than their resentment, he further affirmed.

Totally different story for party coordinator Manuel Bompard, who judged on BFMTV "incongruous and absolutely incoherent" the candidacy of François Hollande.

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