Legislative: The gendarmes of Valras overwhelmed by proxies

Legislative: The gendarmes of Valras overwhelmed by proxies

Brigadier Tanguy Danglot explains to Alain the steps to follow to complete his power of attorney. Gaelle Liot

Legislative: The gendarmes of Valras overwhelmed by proxies

Le brigadier Tanguy Danglot valide les procurations en ligne, en indiquant le code fournit par le demandeur. Gaelle Liot

In Hérault, as almost everywhere in France, the Valras gendarmerie brigade is always full. Faced with requests for proxies generated by the unexpected announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, the gendarmes admit to being overwhelmed and no longer having time to devote themselves to essential files.

Not a moment's respite at the Valras gendarmerie! On this Monday, June 24, even in the intense heat, the sea had not monopolized everyone's attention. Indeed, little by little but never ceasing, the influx of people filled the Valras brigade, to fulfill or validate their power of attorney.

A large number of them had already pre-filled their file online and had gone to the gendarmerie to obtain validation. While others, less comfortable with computers, went to complete the document on paper, in the traditional way. ;quot;We can't get by anymore, we don't even have enough time to manage the more important files. Proxies first and foremost… We are overloaded, we didn't expect it…", confides a gendarme. "The people prefer Valras to the Béziers police station because it is more accessible and closer to their vacation spot". And at the same time, during this summer period, the gendarmes themselves are no longer able to take their leave with all these events.

Olympic Games and conflict in New Caledonia

"During the Olympic Games, we are required to be present. Exceptionally, this year, the mobile guard did not come to support us, because they were automatically mobilized for this event and the conflict in New Caledonia".& nbsp;Thus, those who patrol the villages are detached from the offices and therefore have fewer staff for the management of proxies. "Since June 10, full-time, there are four agents who manage around 150 proxies on a daily basis. The announcement of the dissolution came unexpectedly and we had to face the unexpected", confides Major Florent Ilhat."At  Béziers, in the police zone, we have recorded to date, 800 proxies and 1 600 for the company ", reveals Jacques Lucbereilh, sub-prefect of Béziers.

The procedures are more complicated for elderly people who do not have ease with the internet, they are then directed towards France service houses (structure which combines physical reception and digital support ). This is the case of Alain who found the steps to follow in his local newspaper: " C& This is my second power of attorney, today the procedures are simplified, there are fewer documents to provide. For example, we no longer have proof to provide to request a power of attorney".

Many people who come to request a power of attorney come from all over France. Tom is going on vacation to see his girlfriend in Lyon: "I really had to make my proxy, it’s important to vote, especially given the saddening result of the European."

Procedures to follow

Since June 10, the Valras gendarmerie has set up hotlines to deal with the abundance of power of attorney requests.

The reception is therefore open from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. And Sunday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
For all information relating to the documents to be provided, you can consult the site https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F1604.

The power of attorney must be made as soon as possible, due to delivery and processing times of the power of attorney.

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