Ligue 1: “We have to stop the bullshit”, annoys Der Zakarian after the sanction against the Etang de Thau stand of the MHSC

Ligue 1: “We have to stop the bullshit”, annoys Der Zakarian after the sanction against the Etang de Thau stand of the MHSC

Michel Der Zakarian estime que ces supporters leur ont fait perdre des points cette saison. Midi Libre – JEAN-MICHEL MART

Deux jours après le verdict de la LFP, suite aux incidents survenus devant Marseille, l'entraîneur montpelliérain a mis en garde les supporters.

Der Zak is on fire. The Montpellier coach is satisfied with the decision of the disciplinary committee, which fell on Wednesday after the incidents against Marseille (1-1) on December 20, but he is still fuming after the attitude of the supporters, this Friday on the sidelines of the press conference preceding the meeting in Brest. He gets annoyed to better prevent any recurrence.

The Ligue 1 ranking and the program for the 18th day

"I don't understand our supporters, nor those of other clubs. When you come to the stadium, it's to encourage your team, to enhance it. If you want to blow up smoke bombs, you wait until the end of the match to do it. They made us lose three points this year. We still have one point left, I hope they won't make us lose it. We have to stop the bullshit."

Two matches suspended for Butte

Wednesday, the LFP delivered its verdict to sanction the latest excesses at Mosson by closing the Etang de Thau stand for two matches, including one by revocation of the suspension. Thus, against Lille, on January 28, and against Lyon, there will be no supporters at La Butte.

On December 20, for the last day before the truce, the match in front of OM was briefly interrupted by the referee M.Léonard after a fire ;#39;fireworks, the cracking of 85 smoke bombs and the intrusion of a supporter on the Mosson lawn.

"Who pays the fines ?"

The whole stadium held its breath in the face of the risk of an interruption of the match two months after the incidents which occurred in front of Clermont. Since then the whole club had been holding its breath before the verdict of the LFP. Der Zak, renowned for its intransigence, wanted to remind everyone of their prerogatives and their scope of action.

"It's not the supporters who win points. These are the players. They are there to enhance the team. As for smoke bombs or firecrackers, this is prohibited. Who pays the fines, ? It's not them. It’s the same in all clubs,” he firmly recalls. The message got through.

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