Lionel Fastré: a Lego enthusiast from Béziers with television ambitions

Lionel Fastré: a Lego enthusiast from Béziers with television ambitions

Lionel Fastré attend impatiemment la réponse de la télévision. M.M

Lionel Fastré: a Lego enthusiast from Béziers with television ambitions

His old workshop is only a tiny part of what the enthusiast wants to achieve. L.F

Lionel Fastré, 48, from Béziers, is not only passionate about Lego. He is also a fervent admirer of the Intervilles show that he would like to host. Today, he hopes to combine his two passions to help him realize his dreams related to the famous little bricks.

Lionel Fastré, 48 years old, is a Béziers native with a unique background. Recognized as a disabled worker (RQTH), he has never let this recognition slow down his ambitions. A seasoned animator, he has practiced his profession across Europe, from England to Denmark, via Paris, before returning to Béziers, his hometown, with new projects in mind. "At 40, you settle down, I'm 48. I'm still young but it's time I stopped fluttering between three different countries", he laughs.

"These are not simple models"

Lionel's passion for Lego (1) didn't start yesterday. At the age of two, he received his first box, a tractor. These small colored bricks would quickly become much more than a simple hobby. Under the influence of Pascal François, the late owner of the Palais de la maquette in Valras, Lionel discovered his love for trade fairs and exhibitions. "For me, it's art. These are not simple models", Lionel insists. In 1995, he received a personal invitation from the Lego group to participate in the toy fair in Paris. This defining moment was followed by a decade spent working at Legoland Windsor Resort in England, where he perfected his art and nourished his love for this universe.

Passion for bricks, but not only…

But Lionel is not only a fan of small bricks, he is also a die-hard fan of the Intervilles show. The arrival of Guy Lux in Béziers in 1996 marked a turning point in his life. Since then, he has never missed a single broadcast of the cult show. Today, he hopes to merge his two interests. Having applied to France Télévisions to become a host of Intervilles International, Lionel is impatiently awaiting a response, expected in September. If accepted, this opportunity could allow him to finance his many projects related to the Lego universe.

A mountain of projects

Indeed, Lionel Fastré is not short of ideas. At his home, he plans to build three workshops dedicated to his vocation. Two of them are already finished, but the centerpiece is yet to come: a warehouse of more than 60 m². This space, still to be financed, would be the heart of his work, where he would proudly display his collection. At the same time, Lionel dreams of buying back the collection of his deceased mentor, a mountain of more than 650,000 bricks, to which he wants to add 230 additional boxes. His ultimate goal: to reach a million pieces and exhibit it to everyone in order to illustrate the greatness of his passion. “These are not just constructions for children. They have started targeting an adult audience with flowers and other works recently, it's a hit! quot;, the former host rejoices.

“You have to live for what you love”

The start of the school year is therefore shaping up to be a decisive one for Lionel. The acceptance of his application to Intervilles International could well be the keystone that will allow him to realize his dreams. In the meantime, he continues to plan, dream and build, brick by brick, his path to success. 2025 could even see the realization of a show dedicated to Lego, organized in partnership with an association within the Béziers urban area. For the man, this end of the year could mark the beginning of a new adventure, under the spotlight and in the middle of an ocean of colored bricks. "You have to live for what you love. Everything I undertake is by remaining true to who I am and what I want to create", concludes the Biterrois.

(1) The Lego brand is a protected trademark. I subscribe to read the rest

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