Man killed in wingsuit flight: Extreme sport enthusiast found dead by passerby

Man killed in wingsuit flight: Extreme sport enthusiast found dead by passerby

Un homme de 38 ans est mort ce dimanche 29 septembre 2024 après un accident de vol en wingsuit en Haute-Savoie (photo d'illustration). Image-Source – ENVATO ELEMENTS

A 38-year-old man died this Sunday, September 29, 2024 after a wingsuit flight accident in Haute-Savoie.

The details of the accident that cost the life of an Italian tourist remain unknown. A 38-year-old man was killed this Sunday, September 29, 2024 in full wingsuit flight, in Haute-Savoie, reports in particular 20 minutes.

The victim was found dead shortly before 3pm in the commune of Sallanches in the Crève-cœur sector, the department's firefighters said, confirming information from France bleu.

Regular practitioner

According to local radio, the thirty-year-old killed himself in the morning before being discovered by a private individual who alerted the emergency services. The Italian athlete was a regular practitioner of this activity which consists of jumping from a cliff or an airplane with a wingsuit, specifies Le Dauphiné libéré. According to the same source, the man lived in the United States.

Another tragedy

This tragedy is the second in a week. The previous weekend, a wingsuiter had crashed on a road in Magland, in Haute-Savoie. The scene had taken place before the eyes of a motorist who had tried to come to the victim's aid. But despite his rapid intervention and that of the emergency services, the victim did not survive.

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