Millau: a collective of professionals serving the elderly of Aveyron discussed with the sub-prefect

Millau: a collective of professionals serving the elderly of Aveyron discussed with the sub-prefect

Véronique Martin Saint-Léon, sous-préfète de Millau, a reçu copie du rapport du collectif intitulé “l'Aveyron face à ses choix, quel avenir pour le secteur du grand âge ?” D.R

A work meeting recently took place in the premises of the Foyer Soleil de Millau. The meeting brought together, around Véronique Martin Saint-Léon, sub-prefect of Millau, Véronique Robert, director of the residence and Patrice Vidal,   director of the EHPAD Sainte-Marie de Nant. 

At Foyer Soleil, Véronique Robert, director of the residence, and Patrice Vidal, director of the EHPAD Sainte-Marie de Nant, recently organized a working lunch with Véronique Martin Saint-Léon, sub-prefect of Millau, and ;nbsp;François Roure, secretary general of the sub-prefecture. 

Véronique Robert and Patrice Vidal, members of the collective of professionals serving the elderly of Aveyron, presented their guests with the collective's white paper, entitled "Aveyron facing its choices: what future for the elderly sector ?". They discussed life paths and care, current budgetary constraints weighing on the elderly care sector, as well as challenges in terms of human resources.

Eleven proposals in the face of alarming findings

In addition to presenting alarming findings, they took the time to present the collective's 11 proposals on these three themes. The objective of this meeting is to raise awareness of the difficulties encountered by all stakeholders working with elderly people, while assuring State representatives of the commitment of field stakeholders to guarantee the well-being of the elderly.

The sub-prefect, Véronique Martin Saint-Léon, very attentive to the information provided, took note of the difficulties mentioned. Véronique Robert and Patrice Vidal asked her to quickly obtain an appointment -you representatives of the collective to the prefect of Aveyron.

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