Olivier Biscaye's editorial: “Trying to withdraw into oneself means adopting lines that will sooner or later lead to downgrading”

Olivier Biscaye's editorial: "Trying to withdraw into oneself means adopting lines that will sooner or later lead to downgrading"

Olivier Biscaye, directeur de la rédaction de Midi Libre. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

These last three weeks of the legislative campaign have opened every possible Pandora's box, with more than uncertain results. On paper, the facades have certainly been restored to make the back of the shop more acceptable, but the renovation never completely erases the cracks of intolerance and withdrawal anchored in their DNA.

On June 30 and July 7, voters have the destiny of France in their hands. Two turns to do what ? Two Sundays to give what prospects to our country ?

The desire to change profoundly, and historically, has never been so strong, citizens intend to turn the tables on a political scheme which no longer generates anything good in their eyes. The disenchantment is so immense, its roots numerous, distant and real, that the response in the ballot boxes promises to be just as massive, the message probably unambiguous but the aftermath terribly painful.

Because let's face it, this campaign is based on a terrible misunderstanding maintained by unscrupulous candidates.

To try is to adopt lines which will sooner or later lead to the downgrading of civil and human rights

These last three weeks have opened every possible Pandora's box, with more than uncertain results.

On paper, everything is done to respond in a timely manner to the strongest anger, but in reality, who will pay the bill for ill-considered, vague and ineffective economic and social promises ?

On paper, the facades have been restored to make the back of the shop more acceptable, but the renovation never completely erases the cracks of intolerance, of anti-Semitism, racism and homophobia anchored in their DNA.

To try is to adopt lines which will sooner or later lead to the downgrading of civil and human rights.

Orientations that are the opposite of the values ​​we believe in and have defended at Midi Libre for 80 years.

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