“One billion euros by 2026”: in Montpellier, Enerfip has become the European leader in investing in the ecological transition

“One billion euros by 2026”: in Montpellier, Enerfip has become the European leader in investing in the ecological transition

Julien Hostache, le co-fondateur d’Enerfip. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

La plateforme d’investissement montpelliéraine a le vent en poupe depuis sa création en 2014. L’un de ses fondateurs Julien Hostache revient sur le succès de sa petite entreprise devenue une référence…

What does Enerfip offer and how does it work in practice??

Enerfip is a participatory investment platform dedicated to energy transition projects. The platform allows all savers from 10 euros to invest directly in concrete projects dedicated to renewable energies. With an average rate of 7% to 9% per year, it depends on the projects. Everyone can choose the project that suits them and withdraw the sum allocated at the end of the investment.

It's a bit like crowdfunding?

Indeed, even if I avoid using the term because initially crowdfunding could refer to donations. This is not the case on Enerfip: it is an investment with a certain profitability for an ambitious project and which corresponds to the energy transition.

In practice

To invest via Enerfip, it’s quite simple. You must open an account on the Ernefip website.

Then, simply choose your project(s) and the amount allocated. On each proposed placement, it is indicated: the name of the project, the country, the type of renewable energy, the objective of the amount collected, the interest rate fixed, the duration of the investment. As well as the minimum sum as well as the maximum sum à invest, repayment, dates… But above all a summary of the project.

There's nothing left but decide which one is your preference and wait for the interests…hellip;

What amounts, on average, are invested ? Is there a risk for the saver ?

The amounts are diverse and this is our greatest success: we have people who invest a few tens of euros, others several thousand euros and some up to $100,000. tens or even hundreds of thousands of euros. Even some companies are starting to get into it. It’s extremely diverse. We are convinced that everyone can, at their own level, participate in investing in favor of a carbon-free model of society.

As for risk, there is never zero risk. But the risk rate for us is 0.11%. We always advise not to put all your eggs in one basket. Small clarification all the same: we carefully select the projects that we offer for investment. Only those which appear reliable and coherent to us after very thorough audits will then be put forward.

"Montpellier is the center of gravity for renewable energies in France"

Why did you settle in Montpellier ?

After my studies in Montpellier, it made sense to work here. But above all, Montpellier is the center of gravity for renewable energies in France. I find it a source of pride; moreover, Montpellier is not proud enough of this situation. Most of the companies working in the energy transition settle in the Montpellier basin and they are a hit. The territory is an economic hub in this area. It therefore makes sense that Enerfip is also installed in Montpellier.

And for 10 years, your company has been a success…

Today we have 45 employees and we have European approval. Moreover, we are the leader in Europe in crowdfunding for energy transition projects. We have opened offices in Europe, in Madrid, Amsterdam, Milan… And on Saturday May 18, we reached the threshold of 500 million euros collected since our creation in September 2014. It’s a symbolic step, but above all we have collected 200 million euros just since January 1, 2023. Following trends, if all goes well we should reach at the beginning of 2026, one billion euros.

Enerfip, to date, has avoided 300,000 tonnes of CO2

À To date, the investments made by Enerfip have made it possible to avoid 300,000 tonnes of CO2. Which is equivalent to 300,000 plane flights between Paris and New York or almost a billion kilometers traveled by car. gasoline or even 2.64 billion cups of coffee&eac;…

So you think the renewable energy market is growing ?

Obviously. Currently we are forced to refuse projects. We are witnessing a major upheaval in our society with a dizzying number of projects in this area.

What for you is the best project that was able to succeed thanks to Enerfip ?

This is a trick question, we are proud of all of them. But from a symbolic point of view I believe that it is that of the offshore wind turbines a few years ago. It was among the first offshore projects in France, we raised 1 million euros twice, they were two superb collections. We went to meet the residents, we attended the debates… It was a great adventure and a great success.

Enerfip is also known as a model of self-governed company… Can you tell us a few words about it ?

When we created the company we said to ourselves that we had to try to get away from the pyramid scheme in terms of management, while being profitable and functional.

And frankly, we are proof that this type of management works and has been doing so for ten years. We have very little turnover, but it's not always easy for employees who come from a company with a more traditional model to adapt. It’s a little confusing, especially at first. It’s truly a paradigm shift: there are no timetables, everyone is free… But the main thing is that it works.

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