Paris 2024 Olympic Games: South Africa, Kazakhstan, Cuba… foreign delegations expected in Sète

Paris 2024 Olympic Games: South Africa, Kazakhstan, Cuba... foreign delegations expected in Sète

L’équipe de judo du Kazakhstan, en juillet 2023, à Mèze. – Philippe Malric

Judokas et triathlètes étrangers ont déjà confirmé leurs venues sur le bassin de Thau, dans le cadre de leur préparation pour les Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024.

Benefiting from the “Terre de Jeux 2024” label, the territory offers foreign Olympic delegations the opportunity to prepare for the event (July 26-August 11). Several structures, in Sète and Mèze, are available to sports delegations, in addition to accommodation possibilities.

Judokas, triathletes, volleyball players…

The two neighboring cities have already welcomed, in recent months, several nations looking for good training conditions. Emissaries from Canada (April 2022), South Africa and Cuba (October 2022) have already visited our living area. Last July, a strong Olympic judo delegation from Kazakhstan took advantage of the Mèze sports facilities, and in particular its Bernard-Jeu gymnasium.

Also read:Paris 2024 Olympic Games: detailed route of the flame, expected delegations… Sète is impatiently awaiting the Olympic Games

A few months before the Paris Olympics, these exchanges seem to have borne fruit. "The Kazakhs have assured Mèze of their return next July, welcomes Jean-Michel Isoird, deputy chief of staff at the Agglo and head of the Olympics project in the territory. A delegation of South African triathletes is also expected in the coming months. We already know that the Fonquerne swimming pool will serve as their rear base, in addition to the Sète setting for running and cycling. Furthermore, discussions continue with the Cuban volleyball and beach volleyball delegation."

United States and New Zealand interested

Also in the pipeline is the potential arrival of the United States women's national artistic swimming team. She had already completed a preparation course for the World Cup a year ago. Their stay was appreciated, but the team has not yet achieved Olympic qualification to date. "We also know that the New Zealand national triathlon team has inquired, and that the Kazakh judokas would welcome bringing their Cuban counterparts for their preparation…", advances Jean-Michel Isoird, who still hopes for "good surprises" by next July…

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