“People tell me that we don’t come out the same from this show”: Patrick Bruel confides before his concerts in Montpellier and Nîmes

“People tell me that we don’t come out the same from this show”: Patrick Bruel confides before his concerts in Montpellier and Nîmes

Une centaine de dates déjà prévues pour le Tour 2024 de Patrick Bruel qui se veut aussi spectaculaire qu’intimiste. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

The singer is expected with his new show on May 23 at the Sud de France Arena in Montpellier, then on July 5 in the Nîmes arenas. Tour, projects, commitments, Middle East, Olympic Games… Interview.

How are you experiencing this tour since its launch in Narbonne on February 27?

This is beyond my expectations! It’s a dream. It’s so strong, intense and people seem so happy, moved, I see the looks, I receive messages that remind me say that we don't come out the same from this show.

This concert aims, in any case, to be spectacular, festive and at the same time very intimate. And I get really close to the people, there is also a big surprise in the middle of the show which offers us an unprecedented closeness. It’s probably my best tour and it’s perhaps the show that synthesizes everything I’ve done since the beginning.

This XXL show should take on its full dimension on May 23, at the Montpellier Arena…

Absolutely! It’s a show that was designed for Bercy, for the Arena in Montpellier, Bordeaux and Lyon. So it makes perfect sense.

Your 2024 Tour is also scheduled in the festivals at Aluna, Carcassonne, Pelliculive. But also on July 5 in the arenas of Nîmes, which evokes this place for you ?

This is one of the most important stops in a tour. The site is absolutely sublime, people are happy to meet in this setting in the summer and to share. To be able to offer this show in the arenas is grandiose. Nîmes is always a great meeting place for any artist.

Your tour is supported by very good feedback from the public and the press, Le Parisien speaks of a "roller coaster of emotions". Among the moments that marked the first spectators, there is the evocation of your trip to Algeria with your mother, Augusta, last year. What does he mean to you?

For a long time I wanted to return to where I was born. How do you know where you're going if you don't know where you're coming from? I'm very happy to have accomplished this and to have given my mom this gift. It was very important for me and even more important to do it with my mother, to be able to go with her, hand in hand to Tlemcem, she in search of her memories, me of those that I did not have not had.

This show is also in touch with society, as is your title on harassment.

This song (’Maux d’children"), written in 2009, has unfortunately never ceased to be current and is even more so today. rsquo;today. One in five children are victims of bullying at school and online.

Other current topics emerge throughout the evening.

A lot! "L’Instit", for example, illustrates the difficulties that our teachers encounter; it’s a profession that should be valued if only to allow them to express themselves. vocations.

“People tell me that we don’t come out the same from this show”: Patrick Bruel confides before his concerts in Montpellier and Nîmes

We need teachers, books, culture, this passport to democracy. It is very important, today, to reconsider the place of teaching and education. Victor Hugo said "Education is the family that gives it ; education, it is the State which owes it."

All this resonates with the announcements of the Prime Minister who wishes to empower parents…

Gabriel Attal had shown, in any case, upon his arrival at the Ministry of Education, his extreme determination on these central subjects and had said that ;he would take them with him to Matignon, he does.

You also pay tribute to the Resistance with "To the memory that we are". An echo of the pantheonization of Missak Manouchian that you opened on February 21 by reading her farewell letter to Mélinée.

It was a very powerful moment for me that the President asked me to read this letter. I put it in my album to pay tribute to the Resistance and to a Resistance fighter like no other, an Armenian who stood up for the values ​​of the Republic and gave his life for our freedom.

You were present during the national tribute to the French victims of October 7 and at the demonstration for liberation hostages, you met their families. What does the situation in the Middle East and its repercussions inspire you??

Above all, I have always advocated a peace process and a two-state political solution, I sing it, and say it every evening on stage.
And I still want to believe in it, despite this dramatic situation.

With the crazy importation of this conflict almost everywhere, and even up to Eurovision, where we want to prevent an artist from expressing herself, we see a odious manipulation of evils and words which finally gives anti-Semites a dream opportunity to free their speech and justify, between ignorance and intellectual dishonesty, this inexplicable and unexplained hatred since the dawn of time.

We just have to be aware that anti-Semitism has always been the first door to a predicted general disaster. Yes I am afraid, as a citizen, for the values ​​of the Republic and our democracies.

You were chosen to carry the Olympic flame at the end of July, in Ile-de-France, how did you welcome this honor ?< /p>

It’s an immense pride to be part of this human adventure. The Olympic Games are a symbol of rapprochement, harmony, respect.

These words may seem a little outdated today, yet they take on their full meaning in this moment when the world is so tormented, troubled, so close to a huge fracture. Anything that can bring people together is therefore to be welcomed, I am happy to be a very small vector.

Concord which does not prevent debates like that which surrounded the possible choice of Aya Nakamura for the opening ceremony…hellip;

Everyone has the right to express their feelings on artistic questions, but I found the form this debate took lamentable, it very quickly overflowed for s  ;rsquo;to invite onto an area that I have always fought against (racism, Editor's note), it’s unacceptable.

A more personal question: you still live between France and the United States, where you find your children?

Yes, I'm leaving elsewhere for Atlanta where my son Oscar is going to do his 4th year of graduation in neuroscience.

And Léon is working very hard on his project (he is getting into music, Editor's note), he is progressing very well, I am very proud of him too and of his high standards, his hard work. He has talent, but we've known that for a long time: at 2 and a half years old he was doing shows and at 3 years old he was writing songs, we knew that  rsquo;he would do something in this area, we are not surprised (smile).

His projects

Tournée Around a hundred dates have already been booked. planned for this 2024 Tour expected on May 23,   8 p.m., à the Montpellier Arena (from 39 euros). He will then make a stop on June 29 at L’Aluna (Ruoms), July 5 & Nîmes, July 31   Carcassonne, September 5 & Pelliculive (Thuir).
SeriesPatrick Bruel leads a career as a singer and actor, in the cinema in more than 45 films, in the theater and soon ;t, for the first time, in a spy series on TF1, Unité 8200. He plays the leading role there. "It should see the light of day at the end of 2024 or early 2025", he announces.
Provence Patrick Bruel also invests in his land in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, where he multiplies projects: an olive oil that competes internationally, cosmetics “L’Olivier de Leos” imbued with its terroir, a hotel ready in a year…hellip; But also rosé wines and white, before a red next year. "We are going to bottle the first cuvée", he confides.

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