Police operation to control two-wheelers in Millau: two moped riders were fined
|The officers checked the regulatory compliance of the two-wheelers. D.R – National Police
L’opération a été menée lundi 5 août entre 20 h et 22 h par sept policiers nationaux et deux policiers municipaux. D.R – Police Nationale
Des agents de police du commissariat de Millau ont, dans la soirée du lundi 5 août, mené une opération spécifique aux deux-roues. Au total 42 véhicules, dont 30 cyclomoteurs, ont été contrôlés
A road check operation specific to two-wheelers was carried out on the evening of Monday, August 5, by seven police officers from the Millau police station and two municipal police officers. The aim was to check vehicles that could be affected by infractions such as non-compliant exhausts, equipment failures (mirrors, headlights, optics, etc.) or failure to wear approved gloves.
Two fines of 450 euros
The check took place at the confluents and Cureplat roundabout in the town of Millau. A total of 42 vehicles, including 30 mopeds, were checked between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. Two moped drivers were fined for 4th class offences, corresponding to a fine of 450 euros. The vehicles did not comply with the regulations.
Two drivers summoned to the police station
In addition, two drivers were given a warning with an obligation to comply with the regulations and were summoned to the police station. This operation was part of the complaints made by residents living near the traffic routes. It was carried out under the auspices of the local security and crime prevention committee (CLSPD).