Poor housing at the Métairies residence in Sète, why the residence must wait for its renovation ?

Poor housing at the Métairies residence in Sète, why the residence must wait for its renovation ?

CDC habitat, le bailleur de la résidence des Métairies, assure que les fissures sont “en observation”. Hélène Amiraux

Des habitants de la résidence de logements sociaux des Métairies réclament une rénovation urgente des appartements. Mais le bail pour le terrain accordé à la Ville dans les années 60 arrive à échéance. Quelles implications pour les conditions de vie des habitants ?

After 24 hours of non-stop flow since Tuesday, September 17, the leak in the main pipe of the Métairies building (24 social housing units), avenue de la Source in Sète, has finally been repaired and the ground tarred over it. A reason for relief for the residents who on Tuesday launched a major, publicized outburst of anger at the manager CDC Habitat over the general living conditions in their residence.

However, they are waiting for a comprehensive renovation plan for this social housing complex, which is currently in a pitiful state, and where some apartments are not far from being unsanitary. Some have already contacted the civil protection, hygiene and sanitation service of the City of Sète, with whom they are in the process of putting together files. They hope that the agents will come and see the dilapidation on site.

Also read: Water leak, flying charges, cockroaches, rats, the nightmare of the residents of the Métairies residence in Sète

Cracks “put under observation”

In addition to the lack of insulation in homes that are impossible to heat in winter, cockroaches and rats that have settled permanently in walls and partitions, cracks on balconies and roofs remain a particularly strong source of concern. “Micro-cracks are visible and run horizontally under the roof from the inside to the outside”, acknowledges CDC Habitat, which nevertheless provides the following clarification:“This does not seem to harm the solidity of the structure and does not seem to come from the settlement of the foundations […] These cracks are observed to see if the opening is evolving.” According to the lessor, “the facades are not in poor condition in terms of their solidity, some holes need to be filled, but no destruction of the surfaces that could cause the composition of the concrete and steel to degenerate.”

CDC Habitat, owner of the Métairies residence since 2007, reacted on Tuesday, September 17, by announcing the completion of a renovation program worth 900,000 euros. A project mainly devoted to bringing the building's insulation up to standard and installing a collective VMC. But the implementation schedule has not yet been determined. And for good reason, justifies the lessor: it depends on the extension of the emphyteutic lease of the land between the City and the State signed in 1960, while the commitment expires in June 2027.

A lease renewed on condition of renovation

“We still had three years to renew this 70-year lease, but we did not have the vision of the situation”, explains Jean-Jacques Taillade, deputy director of services in Sète, in charge of housing in particular. “We want to renew it for a maximum of 29 more years, subject to the condition of a satisfactory rehabilitation program for the residents. We will check this and enter into discussions with a view to a commitment with the lessor”, continues Jean-Jacques Taillade. The residents are eagerly awaiting it.

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