Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychoanalyst… what are the differences between the professions and who to consult ?

Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychoanalyst... what are the differences between the professions and who to consult ?

Psychiatre, psychologue, psychanalyste : quelles différences ?

Si tous ont en commun la prise en charge d’une forme de mal-être ou de trouble spécifique, il peut s’avérer compliqué de s’y retrouver parmi tous les "psy"… psychiatre, psychologue, psychothérapeute et encore psychanalyste, vers lequel faut-il se tourner ?

Anxiety, addiction, depression, loss of bearings and various questions… You would like to make an appointment for yourself or a loved one but you don't know who to contact ? 

The psychiatrist

Holding a doctorate in medicine, he is therefore specialized in psychiatry, the medical discipline " intended for the study, prevention, to the treatment of mental illness and the rehabilitation of patients", as defined by the National Academy of Medicine. This professional is trained to make a diagnosis and authorized – like any doctor – to prescribe medications such as psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, anxiolytics, neuroleptics, sleeping pills, etc.).

He is competent to treat anxiety disorders, depression, burn-out (which may require drug treatment), eating disorders… Some have followed training in behavioral and cognitive therapy (CBT, brief therapy), others in psychoanalysis (therapy which can extend over several years). Child psychiatry, intended for children and adolescents, is a specialty in its own right.

The Psychologist

Its title comes from a five-year university course. It is sometimes specialized according to age groups (child, adolescent, aging disorders…), a field of activity (work, school, couple…), etc. He can thus be described as a specialist in emotions and behavior and takes care of any form of disorder or blockage point that affects social life, relationships with others, etc.

Like the psychiatrist, he takes care of people in situations of psychological suffering. He can be consulted for anxiety or depression (when the disorder does not require medical treatment). The psychologist can also be trained in CBT or have a psychoanalytic orientation. They are authorized to take personality or intellectual level tests.

The psychotherapist

These are generally psychiatrists or psychologists, but not always. The use of the title of psychotherapist has been regulated since 2010, associated where applicable with the validation of training in clinical psychopathology of at least 400 hours and a practical internship.

On the platform, psychotherapist Fabienne Verstraeten specified in 2018 that "psychotherapy designated a set of possible therapies, that is to say techniques as different as as hypnotherapy, sophrology, EMDR etc…". In all cases, psychotherapy therefore uses various psychological means, when regular interviews.The psychotherapist is often trained in one of these techniques in particular.

"A psychotherapy practitioner most often works with people who wish to be supported at key moments in their lives, his help having the objective of & rsquo;gradually improve their well-being, explains the French society of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. According to his reference method, the psychotherapy practitioner helps them to elaborate on the questions that concern them: he accompanies them in a process of life change, acceptance of a situation (loss of life). a job, a loved one, illness, etc.)."

Ask questions!

As for psychoanalysts, they therefore practice psychoanalysis, which also corresponds to talk therapy. Please note, however, that the title of psychoanalyst does not enjoy legal recognition. According to custom, a person can claim it provided they have themselves followed psychoanalysis and training in a private organization. This discipline – founded by Freud – readily summons the unconscious which manifests itself through formations such as dreams, slips of the tongue, failed actions, etc.

To guide you in your choice, start by asking your doctor who will be able to recommend this or that professional. And during the first meeting with the latter, do not hesitate to ask him about his way of working, both in form and in substance: how does a session take place ? What frequency for appointments ? What cost ? How long ? etc. And then choose the one that seems to suit you best.

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