REPLAY. War in Ukraine: weapons, Putin, security agreement… what to remember from Emmanuel Macron's interview

REPLAY. War in Ukraine: weapons, Putin, security agreement... what to remember from Emmanuel Macron's interview

Emmanuel Macron face aux journalistes de TF1 et France 2. Capture d'écran TF1

This Thursday, March 14, 2024, Emmanuel Macron is the guest of the news on TF1 and France 2. The Head of State will speak on the issues of support for Ukraine, but he will also explain these controversial comments on the possible sending of troops to Kiev's side.

Emmanuel Macron answered questions from two journalists: Anne-Sophie Lapix and Gilles Bouleau. This speech by the President of the Republic comes the day after the adoption of the security agreement, voted by the National Assembly and the Senate. This aims to provide new support to Ukraine in its war against Russia. Live from the 8 p.m. news of TF1 and France 2, the head of the&# The State has reversed its recent statements concerning the possible sending of soldiers to Ukraine.

What to remember

During this interview, Emmanuel Macron recalled the main objective: that Russia does not win the war. "We do not We are not against Russia. We must be clear: we must not let Russia win”, he said. In the event of victory for Vladimir Putin's country, the president confided that "lthe lives of the French would change& ;quot;.

The head of state then explained that if the conflict were to degenerate, the only person responsible would be the Kremlin. However, he made a point of emphasizing the increase in violence on the part of the Russian president: "The Kremlin regime has profoundly hardened in recent years month". Emmanuel Macron does not exclude any possibility, but assured during this television interview that no offensive will be carried out.

The questions of armament and support (military in particular) were of course raised. "Since the beginning, we have more than tripled our production of categories of shells and missiles that are relevant to the Ukrainians. Simply, in fact, we have limits and this is true of all European countries. This is why we decided that we were going to create them in Ukraine, because it is closer to the ground. We do not have a manufacturing industry. defense adapted to a high-intensity territorial war which is not in any of our forecasts", declared Emmanuel Macron, regarding the low production of shells , among others, from France.

Regarding the security agreement, and the French president said: "choose to abstain or to vote against support for Ukraine, that is not choosing peace, it is choosing defeat".< /p>

At the end of the interview, Emmanuel Macron was questioned about the situation in Gaza. The President of the Republic confirmed that three French nationals are still being held hostage, that their families have been informed of the evolution of things. Emmanuel Macron also affirmed that discussions were underway. He calls for "to respect humanitarian law and international law".

8:54 p.m.

Interview completed

L' interview with the head of state is over. Thank you for following her on Midi Libre.

8:50 p.m.

The situation in Gaza

For journalists, it was not It is not possible to talk about the war in Ukraine without mentioning another conflict: the one between Israel and Hamas.

The President of the Republic confirmed that three French nationals are still being held hostage, and that their families are being informed of developments. Emmanuel Macron also affirmed that discussions were currently underway.

He calls for “to respect humanitarian law and international law”.

8:43 p.m.

Security agreement between Paris and Kiev

Abstention and Votes against (coming from opposition parties) were very feared during the vote for the adoption of the security agreement. If Emmanuel Macron respects those who were against, he nevertheless expressed his disagreement, because according to him, “choosing to abstain or to vote against support for Ukraine is not choosing peace is choosing defeat” .

8:37 p.m.


The question of armament, whether to help kyiv or to defend France, is at the heart of the debates. But producing is very expensive for France. ” Since the beginning, we have increased by more than three times our production of categories of shells and missiles that are relevant for the Ukrainians. Simply, in fact, we have limits and that is true , from all European countries. This is why we decided that we were going to create them in Ukraine, because it is closer to the ground”, explained Emmanuel Macron.< /p>

“We do not have a defense industry adapted to a high-intensity territorial war which is not in any of our forecasts”, he underlined, speaking of the low production of shells in France.

8:33 p.m.

They don't talk anymore

Asked about his relationship with Vladimir Putin, the French president replied that he no longer spoke or communicated with the master of the Kremlin for several months.

But Emmanuel Macron nevertheless hopes for a possible reconciliation. “The moment will come, I hope, as soon as possible when we will have to speak again with the President of the Russian Federation, whoever he may be” , he launched from the Elysée.

8:29 p.m.

“We are not waging war on Russia”< /h2>

If the President fears the actions and ambitions of the master of the Kremlin, namely Vladimir Putin, he explains that France's support for Ukraine is not a declaration of war on Russia.

“We are not waging war against Russia. Russia is certainly an adversary, the Kremlin regime is an adversary”, he emphasizes.

8:27 p.m.

A feared Russian victory

“If Russia were to win, the lives of the French would change”, affirmed the head of state.

“We will do what is necessary to achieve our goal”, he added.

8:22 p.m.

A question of security

“The security of Europe and the French is at stake there”, assures the President of the Republic.

8:22 p.m.

A toughening on the part of Vladimir Putin

Emmanuel Macron indicated that the Russian president would have entered a new, more offensive phase of the war, referring in particular to the sudden death of Alexei Navalny and the increase in cyberattacks.

< p class="live-post__primer"> “The Kremlin regime has hardened profoundly in recent months”, he assured live on the news of TF1 and France 2 .

8:17 p.m.

“All options are possible”

“All the options are possible, the only one who will be responsible for them is the Kremlin regime. To have peace, you must not be weak”, he indicated, in responding to a possible conflict and sending French troops into the conflict.

“We will never lead an offensive, never take the initiative”, he continued.

8:14 p.m.

“Russia must not win”

“We are not in against Russia. We must be clear: we must not let Russia win”, declared Emmanuel Macron, to support support for Ukraine.

8:11 p.m.

The interview begins

The interview with Emmanuel Macron begins. The President of the Republic answers questions from Anne-Sophie Lapix and Gilles Bouleau.

7:59 p.m.

Questions for the President of the Republic

Via his X account (ex-Twitter), Emmanuel Macron invites Internet users to question him on France's support for Ukraine .

He assures that he will take the time to respond to several of them.

7:38 p.m.

Start of live

The President of the Republic will speak on the news of TF1 and France 2. Follow with Midi Libre Emmanuel Macron's speech from the Elysée.

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