Republican values, student success, committed staff: “the compass” of the Montpellier academy

Republican values, student success, committed staff: “the compass” of the Montpellier academy

Un plan qui engage la communauté éducative pour trois ans. D.R.

La rectrice de l’Académie de Montpellier a présenté ce lundi 22 janvier aux cadres de l’Education nationale en région, son nouveau plan triennal. Quatre axes pour "une école en mouvement".

It’is "a compass", a road map for all 49,028 staff at the Montpellier academy, including more than 35,000 teachers. The rector presented, this Monday, January 22 at the Corum in Montpellier in front of all the heads of establishment, inspectors and executives, the 2024-2027 academy project. "It aims to respond to the challenges of a world in transformation, of a territory of contrast, of a school in movement", summarized Sophie Béjean, before ’ call several actors on stage to explain the fruit of ’a year of work and consultation".

This is on an A4 poster that principals will stick up this Tuesday in middle and high schools and which summarizes the four main axes of this three-year plan ("shared values", "students in success", "ambitious partnerships", "committed women and men"), themselves divided into three priorities. But the heads of establishment also left with a guide of nearly 90 pages which details all these objectives "and especially the means and resources made available to staff to achieve them", specified Agnès Vrinat , inspector and kingpin of this work. Concrete ? In any case, "levers", like keys to open the right doors to the 677,861 students of the academy. To all students.

Fight against… "and for!"

It is thus more than a symbol if the first axis aims to consolidate "the values ​​of the Republic and the principle of secularism in a welcoming and inclusive academy". "It’is a major issue for the school, for our society, which questions what we want to be tomorrow", argued Thierry Duclerc, dean of inspectors at ;academy and head of the values ​​center of the rectorate, which certainly calls for fighting "against harassment, racism, anti-Semitism and everything that does not allow working in peace", but above all to & ;quot;fight for ! For everything that contributes to their success, a framework of emancipation, education for real citizenship, he said, promising for example more sharing. "There are wonderful things happening on the ground, we have to be inspired by them".

Xavier Michelis, principal of the Marc-Bloch high school in Sérignan (Hérault) illustrated it. When it came time to write their school project, a questionnaire showed that the students did not have the feeling of being all on the same equal footing in orientation work but not only. "We then included republican values ​​in our project, which resulted in a day of commitment, the promotion of the universal national service (SNU), the attention paid to it ;rsquo;equality between girls and boys in all careers: artistic, health, citizenship, etc."

The culture of evaluation

An example, among others, to be adopted to build unifying projects in each establishment or allow everyone to become "serene, autonomous and responsible students". Sylvaine Mailho, inspector and deputy of Dasen de l’Aude, testified about the work carried out in her department to promote axis 2, "successful students", mentioning in particular & ;quot;the culture of evaluation, but above all what we do with it to adapt to the student and their journey, identify the most fragile territories to target our objectives and mobilize devices,” she described.

Open the school on your territory

This system, like many others aimed at the most disadvantaged groups, such as school dropout prevention groups, can promote the acquisition of fundamental knowledge, an objective set since the Élysée. But this plan also aims to "support students towards ambitious career paths", by multiplying actions linked to the discovery of careers, by making the different training paths understandable to families and students or by working more closely with the business world.

"Ambitious partnerships", this is also axis 3. With communities, economic players, State services, the world of sports associations and cultural. "Open the school on its territory to think about the continuity of the child’s time", summarized the rector. A partnership, also and above all, with parents. "Those who are already involved in establishments, but even more so the invisible ones, far from school. This is work to be done to strengthen this support for students' education, added Thierry Meslet, academic referent.

"Focusing on collective intelligence"

"This academy project is made for this collective us, all of our agents. I see every day to what extent school heads, inspectors and teachers are fully engaged on the ground. We must all take hold of it,” concluded rector Sophie Béjean. The fourth and final axis of this three-year plan therefore plans to “encourage creativity and innovation in the service of learning”; train, support staff and enable them to develop professionally; reinforce professional equality within the academy; ensure the professional development and well-being of everyone. A vast program. "It’s up to school leaders to support the dynamic or create it, but this is on condition that there is meaning. We must focus on collective intelligence and try to create a community of minds, advised his peers, the principal of Joffre College, Marc Pirot. Recalling that the teaching staff remains the essential glue of an ambitious public school.

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