Rural Agri Juris, legal support for farmers and communities in Lozère

Rural Agri Juris, legal support for farmers and communities in Lozère

Le président Julien Tufféry avec le nouveau bureau de Rural Agri Juris. MIDI LIBRE – JULES COMBES

Agri Juris Lozère change de nom et fait évoluer ses missions, pour proposer plus largement son aide aux acteurs ruraux.

Agri Juris Lozère is getting a makeover and becomes Rural Agri Juris. This association, founded almost 30 years ago by the Departmental Federation of Farmers' Unions (FDSEA) and the Chamber of Agriculture to help farmers in their legal procedures, is developing its status.

A rejuvenated structure

After the renewal of its office in 2023 and the arrival as president of Julien Tufféry (mayor of the commune of La Panouse), the association decides to become president. extend its skills by also helping small and larger Lozère communities in addition to farmers, while relying on a new young and dynamic administrative team. "We changed our name but without changing foundations", would like to emphasize the new president.< /p>

Youth is the new key word of the association with the entry into the office of Théo Carayol, a young 25-year-old lawyer in rural law and legal manager of the association , Emma Bremond, social law lawyer, as well as Clara Boudon, administrative assistant, both only 24 years old. For Julien Tufféry, we must make room for young people: "They are an opportunity for the association, they bring new ideas and new ways of doing things."

Leases, letters, agreements…

Today, the various rural stakeholders (whether communities or farmers) are faced with more and more administrative and legal procedures in their activities. Rural Agri Juris  therefore carries out numerous missions, notably consulting, drafting legal and administrative documents (leases, letters, conventions…) in rural law but also social law in order to facilitate  ;steps taken by communities and farmers. "We are there to help them on a daily basis with all legal questions, confides the president. We know that today things are more and more legal. It is important that there are people to defend the interests of farmers and rural stakeholders."

This valuable support provided to small communities, which in most cases do not have a service dedicated to carrying out these procedures, was previously provided by stakeholders outside Lozère. The intervention of Rural Agri Juris makes it possible to refocus this aid within the department and as close as possible to the applicants.

Contact: 04 66 65 69 90 ; I subscribe to read more

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