Slightly lower temperatures in the Gard in the coming days

Slightly lower temperatures in the Gard in the coming days

In Nîmes, it will be necessary to find once again, as in Feuchères, cool spots in the coming days despite a slight drop in temperatures. Midi Libre – Archive R. D-H.

Météo France predicts a slight drop in maximum temperatures and a possible return of storms in the Cévennes on Wednesday 7 August.

The evening of Friday 2 August was particularly turbulent in the Gard with powerful storms that affected a good part of the department with the presence of hailstones, particularly in the Robiac, Bessèges, Meyrannes area, north of Alès. This also disrupted rail traffic.

These storms followed the high and unpleasant minimum temperatures during the night from Thursday 1st to Friday 2nd August with 26.6°C recorded in Nîmes Courbessac (record of 27.1°C on 29th June 2019) and 26.8°C in Aigues-Mortes.

While the threat of storms is receding at the end of this week, the heatwave still concerns the Gard on orange alert yesterday but which will be on yellow this Sunday (between 27 and 34°C). On Friday, we still reached 39°C in Nîmes, under cover.

Maximums between 31 and 35°C

This will not be the case next week according to Météo France with maximums between 31°C and 35°C on Monday 5 August, one to two degrees higher the next day before cloudier or even stormy weather in the Cévennes and on the causse on Wednesday afternoon. In the south of Gard, however, temperatures will reach 37°C in Nîmes and in the south of Gard as well as in Le Vigan.

Given these weather conditions, the concern is about the risk of forest fires with wind gusts over the next two days of between 40 and 55 km/h in the Gard Rhodanien. This sector as well as the areas of Garrigues, Costières and Petite Camargue are at orange risk this Saturday. Vigilance should be increased on this subject.

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