Strike in sight in Inovie subsidiaries and at the group’s headquarters in Montpellier

Strike in sight in Inovie subsidiaries and at the group’s headquarters in Montpellier

Le siège du groupe Inovie, à Montpellier. ML – Giacomo Italiano

Suite à l'émission "Cash Investigation", les représentans du personnel d'Inovie ont voté le principe d'une grève qui pourrait intervenir dès cette semaine. Ils estiment que leurs revendications n'ont pas été satisfaites par la direction du groupe.

The show "Cash Investigation", broadcast on M6 on February 22, continues to make waves at Inovie. The magazine entitled "Crisis Profiteers" had provoked the anger of employees towards their management.

Staff representatives, from the group's various subsidiaries, mainly located in the South of France, met the group's management in Montpellier, on their initiative, on March 5.

"Imprecise answers"

The inter-union then sent Inovie management a list of demands around three axes: “increase in wages, recruitment of employees and improvement of working conditions& ;quot;.

This Monday, March 11, all the group's union representatives met by videoconference. They noted that "the imprecise and insufficient responses from management were intended solely to save time", according to one participant.

The principle of a call for a strike, in the various subsidiaries, was voted on, probably as early as this week. That day, a gathering will take place again in Montpellier, in front of the headquarters of the group which has "more than 530 local laboratory sites and more than 55 technical platforms, spread across 21 subsidiaries".

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