Ten clients per day at 15 years old: four years in prison for the Marseille pimps of a Gardoise teenager

Ten clients per day at 15 years old: four years in prison for the Marseille pimps of a Gardoise teenager

Me Djamel Bouguessa, avocat de la jeune Gardoise. MIDI LIBRE – François Barrère

Myriam, aujourd'hui âgé de 17 ans, était tombée en 2021 aux mains de trois jeunes connus pour trafic de drogue, qui ont comparu vendredi face à elle au tribunal correctionnel de Marseille.

"What does it mean to consent to prostitution when you are barely 15 years old ?" At the Marseille court, this Friday, February 23, the deputy prosecutor is shocked by the three impassive young men who are facing Myriam, 17 years old, a Gardoise whom ;#39;they prostituted in 2022, before she called for help. & quot;At her age, she is cannon fodder for these young adults. A money making machine."

Victim of a violent pimp in Nantes

In 2021, in circumstances that remain unclear, Myriam, who has already experienced prostitution, contacts Abderrahmane Bouslah, 22, whom she only knows through social networks, so that He picks her up in Nantes, where she complains about a violent pimp. He comes to pick her up, in a rental car, with two friends, Mohamed Bangoura and Amine Djoumoi. The boys have identical profiles: all have already been convicted of drug trafficking in Marseille.

"I agreed to work, but not to work for free" specifies the teenager, civil party, just like her mother. "There was no sexual forcing or anything."But the three boys grab all the money from the passes during a first stay at Le Mans, and take her to Marseille, where she must receive ten customers a day from ;his arrival. 

200 € for one hour

The modus operandi is classic: ads on sexmodel, the site today at the heart of prostitution activity, with detailed services: "80 € 20 minutes, one hour 200 €, no anal sex, kiss”, video clips on Tiktok. When she notices that all the money for benefits has been taken from her, she warns a relative, who alerts the police. The three boys are arrested.

In custody, some were precise. "At Le Mans, Abde was thinking about whether this girl was going to be profitable and was capable of bringing back a good sum every day"said Mohamed who when he was arrested had a Gucci clutch estimated at 1,350 euros; and 530 € in cash. "C’is life, we are not the first and we are not the first is not the last. She was teasing before and she will be teasing later, she has nothing in her head." 

Minors priced at 10,000 €

At the hearing, he assumes that he was the only one to organize the prostitution of this minor, while his two accomplices contest everything, murmuring explanations as inaudible as they are improbable for explain their presence around the teenager.

"I took zero, I didn't even get a euro!" Amine says indignantly.

"These people like my daughter, they are purse holders" explains Sarah, Myriam's mother, who was able to reconnect with her with the help of the Association for the Search for Missing Persons (ARPD). "Minors have a price of 10,000 €, if they refuse to work, it& #39;what they owe to the pimps."

Easy, practical and flexible

"These three understood that underage prostitution 2.0,  it's easy, practical and flexible and it costs less than trafficking when you get caught" insists Me Marguerite Lions, Sarah's lawyer. "If there is no criminal response there is no possible deterrence against these budding pimps who are starting to occupy our courts a lot."

An hour later the sanction falls: four years for Abderrahmane and Mohamed, three years for Amine.

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