The French Bike Polo Championship is crazy at Parc Montcalm in Montpellier

The French Bike Polo Championship is crazy at Parc Montcalm in Montpellier

In the championship, matches last 18 minutes. Each team is made up of three players. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

The French Bike Polo Championship is crazy at Parc Montcalm in Montpellier

Not a minute to lose to keep the ball away from the cage from his side. Free Midi – GIACOMO ITALIANO

The French Bike Polo Championship is crazy at Parc Montcalm in Montpellier

Zone réservée aux joueurs. Temps de repos pour eux et leur vélo. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Le championnat de France de bike polo, soit du polo à bicyclette, a débuté le 26 juillet au parc Montcalm. Les derniers matchs se joueront dimanche. 30 équipes s’affrontent. Les Montpelliérains visent le top 10.

While Paris attracts the attention of the whole world with the Olympic Games, Montpellier also puts on its sporting show with the French bike polo championship, which began on July 26, at Montcalm Park.< br /> This bicycle polo brings together no less than 30 teams from all over France, and which also includes European players. And teams delighted to meet again, because the last French championship was played in 2019 in Annecy.

"Go Montpellier"

On the bike polo field in Parc Montcalm, the only field in France dedicated to this discipline, as well as on the two other areas temporarily set up on the Tambourin field, the teams, made up of three players each, with a fourth acting as a substitute, compete in matches lasting 18 minutes.
No time to watch an angel pass by or greet a friend, any inattention can work to the opposing team's advantage. “Come on Montpellier, ahead, ahead. Go guys, quickly, quickly“, shouts a supporter of the bike polo club. Teams from other cities are watching the game closely, as the Montpellier club finished 2nd in the last world championship in 2023. Out of the 30 teams involved in the championship being played, they finished 9th on Friday and 14th this Saturday. “We faced the world champions. We were no match“, explains Mathieu Fercoq, aka Mac Fly, who is responsible for the grounds for this championship. The teams are still competing this Saturday, but see you on Sunday evening for the final results.

Parc Montcalm, in Montpellier

Hours : from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Free entry

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