The Lodévois and Larzac destination is now displayed: At the heart of the Grands Sites

The Lodévois and Larzac destination is now displayed: At the heart of the Grands Sites

L’équipe de l’office de tourisme du Lodévois et Larzac au belvédère de Baume Auriol qui surplombe le Cirque de Navacelles. ML – ALAIN MENDEZ

L’Office de tourisme intercommunal a présenté sa nouvelle identité, entre Salagou et Navacelles, et lancé sa saison ce lundi 22 avril.

New graphic charter, new logo… The team from the Lodévois and Larzac intercommunal tourist office chose the Baume Auriol belvedere at the Cirque de Navacelles to launch its season this Monday, April 22, and assert its identity in the heart of the Grands Site (s. After a reading of the landscape proposed by the CPIE of the Causses Méridionaux, in a territory with multiple classifications (Grand Site de France, Unesco World Heritage for agropastoralism, Grands Causses Natural Park… ), it was in the branch of the Office, next to the restaurant, that elected officials and partners met.

A new slogan to be better identified

"We call it season launch, but it's already well underway" note Fadelha Benammar-Koly, vice-president of tourism of the Community of Communes. Comments confirmed by the number of hikers and visitors passing through that day and by the mayor of Saint-Maurice-Navacelles, Clément Théry : " This weekend, there were a lot of people and the parking lots in the hamlet in the heart of the Cirque were overflowing."

The Lodévois and Larzac destination is now displayed: At the heart of the Grands Sites

Local elected officials welcomed the partners to the Baume Auriol sheepfold, which is the branch of the tourist office. ML – ALAIN MENDEZ
The morning allowed us to discuss the work carried out on the scale of the Pays Cœur d’Hérault with the neighboring territories of Clermontais and the Vallée de l’Hérault. It takes the form of a destination card and packaged stays, which Lodévois Larzac also develops alone, with its Office classified as Category 1.

"We must facilitate our visitors' stays with offers of one or more days, which are also aimed at local customers , for families, around outdoor activities, culture, heritage… Also meet expectations in terms of group accommodation in particular." reaffirms Fadelha Benammar-Koly. And be more identifiable.

The Lodévois and Larzac destination is now displayed: At the heart of the Grands Sites

The facilitators from the CPIE des Causses Méridionaux provided a reading of the landscape. ML – ALAIN MENDEZ

The creation of a destination magazine

Le Lodévois and Larzac "At the heart of the Grands Sites" will also have its destination magazine, produced by the Tourist Office.

"We have been thinking about developing our old Exp&eacute guide for several years ;riences, notes director Julie Solignac. This free 36-page magazine, drawn from &agrav; 5000 copies, presents the Great Sites, the nuggets and all the riches of our territory. Highlighting the landscapes, the heritage, the terroir, the ;rsquo;crafts, highlights, nature leisure activities, sustainable tourism. He will even give the floor to residents and ambassadors of the Office. "It’is an annual magazine for the moment, which will evolve over time. It is very visual and will be released in May. You will find it in our receptions and with our hosting partners."

The Tourist Office also intends to strengthen its links with local service providers through free membership, setting up regular meetings to get to know each other and exchange ideas. "They are our first ambassadors." adds Julie Solignac, presenting the sticker with her team which they can pose at home, identifying their privileged partnership. with the OT.

The Lodévois and Larzac destination is now displayed: At the heart of the Grands Sites

Antonella from the Office shows the sticker with the partner logo for member service providers. ML – ALAIN MENDEZ

"Our territory is vast, fantastic, it is full of proposals, atmospheres, nuggets and visitors do not always know where they are, adds Julie Solignac, director of the OT. We therefore chose to change our graphic and visual charter, around three colors, red, green and blue which recall the identity of the territory, highlighting Salagou to the south and Cirque from Navacelles to the north." Behind a logo and a slogan Lodévois and Larzac : At the heart of the Grands sites !

The Lodévois and Larzac destination is now displayed: At the heart of the Grands Sites

The Cirque de Navacelles, Grand Site de France in the heart of a territory labeled UNESCO World Heritage for agropastoralism. ML – ALAIN MENDEZ

Labels: Lena Faury (Mixed Union of Cirque de Navacelles) and Cécile Olive (Mixed Union of Salagou/Cirque de Mourèze) were also present to talk about current events, attendance management and preservation of their respective territories. With an inspection by the ministry scheduled for next week with a view to renewing the Grand Site de France label for the Cirque de Navacelles, and a trip to Paris, to the Ministry of the Environment at the end of May to finalize the Salagou/Cirque de Mourèze file . I subscribe to read more

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