“The plan to combat infertility exists, now it must be implemented,” says Professor Samir Hamamah

“The plan to combat infertility exists, now it must be implemented,” says Professor Samir Hamamah

Samir Hamamah : “Après l'âge de 25 ans, la fertilité d'une femme décline” Midi Libre – JEAN MICHEL MART

A "birth leave" paid six months instead of the current three-year parental leave, and "a major plan against infertility", which affects 3.3 million French people: the day after the alarming figures of ;#39;Insee on the decline in the birth rate in France, Emmanuel Macron has made the "taboo of the century" one of the main topics of his press conference on Tuesday evening. "I'm delighted, things are moving,” reacts Montpellier resident Samir Hamamah, author, two years ago, of a report on infertility.

Professor Samir Hamamah is head of the reproductive biology department at Montpellier University Hospital.

Emmanuel Macron made two announcements on Tuesday on issues of fertility and birth rates: the creation of birth leave and the launch of a plan to fight against 39;infertility.

The President of the Republic announced on Tuesday "a major plan against infertility", finally, two years after the publication of your report which already drew up an alarming inventory, and proposed concrete actions ? 

The infertility plan already exists, now we will implement it. Two years ago, my report proposed concrete avenues for combating infertility, around six priority areas.

At present, only one of these orientations is in the process of being implemented: 30 million euros have been released in the framework of a call for tenders for transversal research projects on fertility and endometriosis.

However, there were other fairly simple things to launch, particularly in terms of education and information…

When it comes to sex education, we are currently focusing on issues related to contraception, abortion and sexually transmitted infections. The report effectively proposed to educate and inform, on an individual and collective level, about infertility problems.

There are two issues that the French fail to realize: after the age of 25, a woman's fertility begins to decrease. And a man today has a 56% loss of fertility compared to his grandfather! 

We have been waiting for two years for meetings with national education on the subject. The ministers have changed. I hope the process is restarted.

In terms of education and information, there is another reality to hammer home: assisted medical procreation is not the solution to the problems of # 39;infertility. Currently, 30% of couples leave the circuit without children.

It's complicated to make things happen?

No, you just have to act! As the author of this first national report on infertility, and in my current position as president of the French society for the study of reproduction, I sent signals to the public authorities, and the words of the President of the Republic give me the feeling of having been heard. Including at the local level, where things are moving: the regional health agency supports my project to create a national fertility institute, based on the model of the ;Inca for cancer, which I would like to establish in Montpellier.

"The fertility index of a French woman is 1.68 children, i.e. is catastrophic!"

Do you think that the figures for a declining birth rate, also communicated this Tuesday by INSEE, have opportunely reinforced your statement and have allowed awareness at the highest level ?

Our plan was shelved for a whole bunch of reasons, starting with the international situation and the war in Ukraine. But today, the executive has realized that we must move. The fertility index of a French woman today is 1.68 children, while the replacement threshold is 2.1. At European level, this index is 1.3. It’s catastrophic! In his interview, the President of the Republic associated birth rate and fertility. It's not just that, it's a set of factors… Today, it remains complicated for a young woman to reconcile personal and professional life. There is a 40% shortage of nursery places to meet needs. 

And after Covid, the uncertain international climate, these crazy messages from environmentalists who would like there to be too many people on earth contribute to this.

There was this announcement about birth leave of up to six months, instead of maternity leave of three years… this is relevant in your opinion ?

In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is offering 250 euros per month from the seventh month of pregnancy to the child's 21st birthday, a significant sum of 65,0000 euros for a birth… Finland has just introduced two years of maternity leave to be shared between both parents. I am delighted with Emmanuel Macron’s announcements on birth leave.

It will be better than three years of parental leave ?

Yes, because in six months, we don't stray too far from active life. 

"I hope things will speed up"

Why do you say that concern about overpopulation is a "far-fetched&quot? ?

There are not too many people on earth, and we must change this discourse which would suggest that because there are too many of us, we are going to our doom. Young people are extremely sensitive to this issue. 

It above all, it is about preserving our species. IF we do nothing, there will be 4.5 billion inhabitants in 2100. Every year, globally, the birth rate has fallen by -7%. One in four French people are over 65, the world population is aging.

You hope to see new concrete actions emerge after the words of the President of the Republic ?

Once again, there is awareness and I am happy about it. Now I hope things will speed up. Between now and the end of January, I have two appointments at the General Directorate of Health. The subject has returned to the public debate,  I think it will be easier.

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